Any ideas what this is please? I really like the symmetry of it. We have been watching it grow with great anticipation, it was in the garden before we bought the house, so we have no idea what it is, but it seems to have lots of buds.
Hmm.. Well not too sure as there are so many different types, but it looks seriously like it could be a Euphorbia or Spurge plant.. Might need to see if you get flowers or bracts on it later... Very handsome plants & a huge family to choose from, but it is also possible that it is a member of the milk weed family Asclepias, but somehow I think not.. See what others come up with because it is a huge family the Euphorbia family & Pionsettias are also a member of the Euphorbia family.. :wink:
Looks like Caper spurge which is a weed in that it spreads incredibly widely from the hundreds of seeds it produces.