Tala - excellent customer service

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Scrungee, Oct 17, 2012.

  1. Scrungee

    Scrungee Well known for it

    Dec 5, 2010
    Central England on heavy clay soil
    If retailer feedback is more appropriate, please move, but it's not about gardening stuff.

    A couple of days ago Mrs Scungee's Tala jam thermometer had all the printing come off of lower part that gets immersed in jams, which was extremely frustrating as she was using it at the time to make some bramble jelly and failed to get the right temperature for a set.

    It was bought from a local hardware store around strawberry jam making time last year to replace a lost thermometer (still can't find it). Not having kept the receipt (despite our normal practice of saving everything) I googled a phone number and contacted them.

    I spoke to very extremely friendly and helpful staff who told me they had a problem like this some time ago with a batch of their jam thermometers, and we that must of had one that had been hanging around a small store for some time. Apparently they failed on the second year of use, just like ours.

    A replacement was immediately sent out first class post and included was a complimentary sealing & labelling set and 3 packets of jam pot covers. It's great to deal with a company like that these days (we've still got 1920/30's Tala stuff in our kitchen passed down from relatives).
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    • Jenny namaste

      Jenny namaste Total Gardener

      Mar 11, 2012
      retired- blissfully retired......
      Battle, East Sussex
      Such good service is well worthy of your post here Scrungee.
      Well done Tala. That's why they are still in business afer 90+ years,

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