Taming a bay tree

Discussion in 'Trees' started by alistair, Jul 29, 2011.

  1. alistair

    alistair Apprentice Gardener

    Jul 29, 2011

    I share a front garden with my neighbour, they have a beautifully maintained spherical bay bush which is about 9'. The previous owner of our house did not maintain his matching bush, so we have a 20' bay tree made up of lots of stems (so technically I think it should still be referred to as a bush).

    I would like to start work to reduce the tree to eventually match our neighbours bush. Looking at it I am thinking the start might be to cut the stems to reduce them to about 9', then once the bush has recovered from the shock I can start trying to shape it with regular pruning.

    I would really appreciate any advice, hints and tips on doing this - whether I should and how and when. I appreciate this is really a job I should probably call in a professional for, but as someone who has recently moved from a flat with a tiny balcony to a house with a garden I would really like to learn the skills to maintain the garden myself.

    I would really appreciate your advice and help and any suggested reading so I can start things moving.

    Kind regards

  2. Spruce

    Spruce Glad to be back .....

    Apr 10, 2009
    Hi Alistair

    Welcome to the Forum

    Good question to start with .
    I do have to bay trees , and have had them for years .
    Had a bashing over winter but slowly recovering and come next year will be perfection as usual.

    I would take my time IE OVER THE YEAR to reshape.
    Rather than do all now which is the wrong time of year to hard prune ie take a lot off , plus if we have a bad winter again pruning in the autumn can be 50 / 50 thats why I always leave to spring so the foligae protect itself.
    Thats what I would do lets see if any one can sugest anything
    Can you put some photos on here, lots of knowledable gardeners on here give you practical advice


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