Tasmanian Tree fern

Discussion in 'Trees' started by divingmoose, Apr 27, 2009.

  1. divingmoose

    divingmoose Apprentice Gardener

    Apr 27, 2009
    I am new to the site, so firstly would like to say hi. I am a very new gardener and would like some adice on a Tasmanian Tree Fern. It is in a tall pot and seems to be doing fine. I have new leafs uncurling from the centre trunk and this is happening every year. I just wondered at what point do i need to cut the older leafs back. Some of the old ones have slight browning on the edges of the leafes but nothing to bad, just seems to be getting a bit crowded with the leafs. Also i am thinking about planting it but not 100% as scared it might die and thinking if its fine in the pot should i bother.
    Do these plants out grow the pot or is it very slow growing?
    If i do plant it how much of the trunk should i put in the ground.
    Cheers Lee
  2. garden_fiend

    garden_fiend Gardener

    Oct 28, 2006
    Now that you have new leaves unfurling I think it's okay to cut the old ones off. If you're worried about planting it out, you could always sink the pot in to the ground and you would then have the choice of just lifting the whole thing out for the winter. If you do plant it out I would plant it at the existing soil level.


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