
Discussion in 'Trees' started by duckyjuk, Feb 8, 2006.

  1. duckyjuk

    duckyjuk Gardener

    Jan 24, 2006
    i am moving house and would like to take a cutting of my taxus baccata " fastiglata Aureomarginata Am i able to do that and how? thanking you .. :confused:
  2. frogesque

    frogesque Gardener

    Sep 13, 2005
    Go for it! You have nothing to loose.

    Yew root fairly readily although it's probably not the best time of year, late autumn is ususally recommended.

    Cuttings should be healthy tips, 6-8cm long. Strip the lower leaves and plant in free draining compost. Keep in a green house or use a propagator set to 20-22C. Keep moist but not waterlogged and don't overheat. Striking is supposed to be aided by hormone, IBA Talk 8000 PPM or your normal powder if you use it (personally I don't like it). I ususally do seven cuttings to a pot, one central and six round about it. You shouldn't have any trouble finding material for cuttings so take plenty and do a few pots or trays. You can always give away any you don't require once they have rooted.

    Alternatively, look under the tree and round about. Usually there some seedlings to be found. Dig a few up if they are to type and pot them to take with you as a back up.

    Do be careful where you plant Yew (taxus) as they are all poisonous to livestock and children

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