tayberry, raspberry canes help needed!!!!!

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by the garden gnome, Apr 15, 2013.

  1. the garden gnome

    the garden gnome Gardener

    Jan 18, 2013
    Northern Ireland
    My wife has been given a load of tayberry, blackberry raspberry summer and autumn types and some sort of Japanese canes?????

    What's the best way to plant and any tips?

    I have a lovely bank that gets good sunshine, so I was thinking of using it

    Any help greatly accepted
  2. noisette47

    noisette47 Total Gardener

    Jan 25, 2013
    Lot-et-Garonne, Aquitaine
    Um, not sure about a bank..would it be practical for putting posts and wires and for collecting the fruit easily? Ideally, you need some sturdy posts knocked into the ground, with tensioned wires at 1' intervals. Rich, moist, fairly acid soil.
    If the blackberry and tayberry can be spaced well apart, the new long shoots are best tied onto the wires in a curved fan shape. Each year, after fruiting, you chop out the old stems and tie in the long new growth to replace the old. Makes picking much easier:) The summer raspberries follow the same principle, but not fanned out. Autumn raspberries are chopped down in spring and resulting new canes tied in throughout summer. This http://www.ashridgetrees.co.uk/Pruning-Raspberries-Summer-Fruiting might help explain better than I can.....If you can get hold of an old copy of 'Fruit' by Harry Baker, published by Mitchell Beazley, that's an excellent book with clear diagrams and care instructions.

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