how can i stop premature flower drop on kidney beans ,virtually 90% of them end up on the ground after rain or not too strong winds. I grow sweet peas amongst them to no effect, I have watered ground with lime added (arthur Billetts (of clacks farm ) advice and there have not been many bees about. Also how do i know when potatoes are ready for lifting??? Help on either will be much appreciated teajay
Teajay, runner beans need to be kept moist, but I think the problem is your lack of bees, the flowers aren`t getting pollinated. As for the limed water, you are supposed to spray the flowers with it not water the ground. Neither way will solve the pollination problem, though.:gnthb:
Hi Teajay, If you want the potatoes for storing then wait 2 weeks after the tops have died back & then lift them. Once they have flowered then you can dig them for use now. If in doubt, scrape the soil away & see if they are big enough for use, if they are still small just put the soil back & wait a bit longer. Mind you, if it carries on raining the blight might come so you might be better off lifting & eating sooner rather than later.