Tesco offers for mathematically gifted are back!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Selleri, Dec 6, 2020.

  1. Selleri

    Selleri Koala

    Mar 1, 2009
    North Tyneside
    Tesco, famous for its chocolate orange offer some years back that saw a clever combination of 3-for-2 and other offers taking the price to 29p, is back with

    Buy 4 AA batteries for £2.50....

    or 20 Christmas lights with 3 AA batteries included for £1.50.

    I tried to buy the cheapy lights but unfortunately the 20 lights was out of stock so got a 100 lights string as a substitution for the same price. Sadly the number of batteries included is still 3, not 15. :noidea:

    Looking forward to seeing if they do their Christmas wine offers this year, in the past they have managed so many any-6-for-4, half price and any-3-for-2 overlapping offers that they nearly have to pay me for buying wine. :hapydancsmil:

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      ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

      Jan 12, 2019
      I haven't shopped in Tesco in years, Selleri, after shopping with a life long friend who compares every thing he buys and you need to take a Flask and Sandwiches when he goes shopping for his Wife. He came across a "special offer" of a pack of four tins of Beans purporting to be cheaper. He compared the price of the special offer and then found it was cheaper to buy the same brand by buying the single cans next to the special offer. He called for the Manager and I spent the next 15 minutes watching while the Manager confessed that the special offer was a Marketing bamboozle but he had to put the special offer out there. Having said that, my friend still shops at Tesco, but I think he likes the challenge.!!:dunno::heehee:
      • Funny Funny x 2
      • Fat Controller

        Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

        May 5, 2012
        Public Transport
        At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
        I fell out with Tesco many years ago - a succession of manky chickens, a bagged salad with a huge chunk of fencing wire in it, all capped off with one of their staff saying 'not my problem' when I reported a fairly significant spill of sugar all over the floor in their Twickenham store.... left my fairly full trolley where it stood in the aisle and walked out and have only darkened their door for the odd thing ever since.
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        • Selleri

          Selleri Koala

          Mar 1, 2009
          North Tyneside
          I have had a weekly delivery from Tesco for over a decade, simply because their delivery service is the best. I know all drivers, and was even told off by then when we moved house some 4 years ago and didn't tell them. :biggrin: (Well, this is North East where bus drivers call everyone "love" and Barclays gives tea and biscuits on Saturdays. ) My weekly shop takes me 15 minutes.

          Substitutions are great, I usually buy the cheapskate stuff and hope it's not available so I'll get something posh instead. Sometimes they don't quite get it right, once my 6kg bone-in ham was substituted for 10 packs of sliced sandwich ham. The driver was rather apologetic :heehee: If I don't want my substitution, the driver usually gives it anyways after deducting the price as it would otherwise get binned.

          @ARMANDII , your friend has the right attitude. Having a sharp eye to catch them out on wonky "offers" is great fun. :biggrin:
          • Agree Agree x 2
          • Scrungee

            Scrungee Well known for it

            Dec 5, 2010
            Central England on heavy clay soil
            I've still got loads of Energiser torches from when a pack containing a torch and 2 AAA batteries were reduced to 30p at Tesco.
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            • ARMANDII

              ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

              Jan 12, 2019
              I actually, personally, gave up shopping for my Family in the early years when money was scarce and after a shopping trip to Tesco's with my Wife I was somewhat disappointed and "irritated" to find that a hard earned £60, even in those days, went nowhere to filling a shopping trolley. We bought from local shops and traders from then on but now I shop at Aldi's, Lidl's for great fruit, veg, steaks, sausages and cheese at a great deal less than being overcharged at Tesco's.
              I do use Morrisons for certain items but they too have lost about 90% of my business. I tend to buy specific items from specific stores and shops on a shopping trip while looking out for a proper bargain and interesting items. Shopping is personal in the sense that we like to shop at this or that Store but, to be honest, I have no "loyalty" to any Store particularly if they tend to practice idiotic marketing "special offers" where they appear to think the customer is dumb.:dunno::doh:
              • Agree Agree x 2
              • pete

                pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

                Jan 9, 2005
                Mid Kent
                I just use Morrisons because its just up the road from me, cant be bothered going round different places comparing prices.
                Do look at offers and rarely find anything wrong with them.
                Although I must admit all the different bottle sizes of beer does make price comparison a bit of a nightmare.

                Never done an online shop, just dont trust them to get it right and would not like them substituting things, or not having what I wanted.
                In fact I find it strange they actually do that, as I never really find the store doesn't have what I want, apart from the silly bog roll problems a few months ago.
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                • Scrungee

                  Scrungee Well known for it

                  Dec 5, 2010
                  Central England on heavy clay soil
                  It's a bit difficult doing that at the moment, previously it was worthwhile always stocking up on stuff where it was much cheaper, but now, apart from a few places, they might prevent you from buying a trolley load of half price non-perishible products.

                  I got fed up with finding 'buy one get one free' promotions limited to 3 items per customer.

                  Or even worse, buy 3 get 4th free restricted to 3 per customer, and Tesco actually did that.
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                  • JWK

                    JWK Gardener Staff Member

                    Jun 3, 2008
                    Life's too short so we don't go out of our way to track down bargains. We haven't been inside a supermarket since March and I don't miss it at all. I hate supermarket shopping and actually any shopping come to think of it :)

                    We manage to get online delivery slots with both Tesco and Sainsburys to keep us going.

                    There is a 'No substitutions' box but we leave it un-ticked as sometimes we are better off with the substitution.

                    Yes that is a problem, with Tesco/Sainsbury it means we don't always get what we want. We have standby meals in the freezer or can improvise in this case. Don't think a Spam roast will go down well at Christmas though.

                    My son uses Ocado who are not tied to any particular shop, whatever they order gets delivered. They must reserve the items it in their warehouses.
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                      Last edited: Dec 6, 2020
                    • HarryS

                      HarryS Eternally Optimistic Gardener

                      Aug 28, 2010
                      Same here John, not been into a Supermarket since March, and we don't miss it one bit. We have deliveries from Asda twice a week. No problems with substitutes, if its not what you really want the delivery guy will credit you on the spot. Even bought our Xmas cards and second class stamps on line. My car service was booked on line, they collect it deliver it back to you sanitised and washed. Makes a difference of getting the car back stinking of smoke and two woodbine stumps in the ashtray! Now that is going back a few years, when was the last car with an ashtray?
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