That "spring" in Saint Valentine's Day 1998

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by maksim, Mar 11, 2010.

  1. maksim

    maksim Gardener

    Feb 16, 2010
    Worker in Milan Malpensa Airport
    Castano Primo (Milan), 6 degrees south, 8 degrees
    Who of you remember that ???
    It was February 14 1998.
    Saint Valentine's Day.
    I am italian, but I lived in London at the time.
    In a sort of "accomodation" in Westminster bridge road.
    From my room I used to hear, especially early in the morning, the noise of the trains passing over a "flyover" in their arrival ride to the nearby "Waterloo Station".
    I worked as a waiter in a restaurant in Saint Christopher Place, tube "Bond Street", near Oxford Street.
    That day, as usual, I went to my work in the restaurant.
    As it often used to occur, my shift used to start about nine o' clock in the morning.
    And as it often used to occur, I knew when my shift would have started but I DIDN'T KNOW WHEN IT WOULD HAVE FINISHED... :D
    It was always my Manager's duty the task to tell me: "ok, you may go home".
    That Day was a special day. It was Saint Valentine's Day.
    Sure enough, all the lovers would have come to the restaurant to celebrate the day. And sure enough, it would be a real busy day for we the waiters at the restaurant.
    Well, to get the things even "worse", it was the weather of that day.
    Indeed it was a WARM DAY !
    A "spring day" according to those people from the mediterranean countries as I am.
    A "summer day" according to those people from the "Mid-Europe" like the brits, the germans, etc. :D
    Actually, London Heathrow Airport recorded an High temperature as +18 C
    (I still remind you: It was 14 February ! :D).
    In the restaurant where I was working, all the windows were open and the "atmosphere" was a "sping-summer-like" one...
    (Who says that the London's climate is always dull, rainy, cold, gray, etc. ??? :D).
    It was a fantastic day !
    The bad thing was that I worked from 9 AM untill 11 PM (14 hours in a row !) :oops:.
    Eventually I let know my Manager that I had started at 9 AM: "Boss, have you forgot that I start working at 9 in the morning ???" :flag::flag:
    So my Manager replied: "ok, you may go home" .
    And, maybe to get himself forgiven, he gave me one of the roses that were in a vase on every table for that Saint Valentine's Day...
    Actually, I was not impressed by that kind of "present" as I am a MAN.
    But that is "on topic" according to the subject of this forum as well as the spring-like atmosphere ... :).
    Who of you remember that day ???
  2. Hec

    Hec Gardener

    Nov 1, 2007
    I don't remember that day But it sounds like a good one to remember this year. That was when we thought Global Warming meant us too instead of 'Climate Change' as it has now become known.

    I do remember walking in a tea shirt in February 2 years ago - though I started with more clothes and had been climbing hills before I removed 2 layers.
  3. maksim

    maksim Gardener

    Feb 16, 2010
    Worker in Milan Malpensa Airport
    Castano Primo (Milan), 6 degrees south, 8 degrees
    Let me see: what do you mean, when you say "T-Shirt" ?
    You know, for the nordic & british people, when the temperature is over +10 C, it's time for T-Shirt... :D.
    Whereas for the italians, +15 C is a temperature for bearskin, woolen scarf & gloves and warm coat... :D.
    Well, actually I myself went out - in London - on Christmas Eve - at midnight in
    ...but It was because I had to post the mail and I was too lazy to dress me up just to cross the street and post the mail...
    Otherwise, I would go out in T-Shirt only after drinking something "strong"... :D.
  4. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    :dh: Funnily enough I do remember it Maksim... We had friends over for my cousin's birthday (yes the 14th) & we were all sat outside in the garden in the afternoon in T-shirts remarking how we could not remember his birthday hanving such a summer's day warmth & feel to it ever before & we still have a giggle at some of the photos...!!!! :lollol:

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