As a result of Thursday's storm I had to remove the shed roof from the garage today and put a tarpaulin over the shed. So I spent the morning with boys toys, a wrecking bar and a club hammer. This is the scene that confronted me this morning.
Rich, how awfull. I am so sorry to see the damage. It has been everyone's fear. I recently re-roofed my garage, using plastic coated metal sheet. They sheets are about 3 foot wide, but you can get single lengths of 20 foot in my case, and 30 foot when I helped my neighbour do his. I have been extremely pleased with the result. The garage is completely dry for the first time in years, and because the sheets are one continuous length - it cannot leak.
A nightmare, Rich! I hope your work with the boys' toys has sorted things to a suitable level. You must have had it really bad down your way. Our only problem was the greenhouse - and that was on New Year's Eve - and although we've had gusty winds and torrential rain,we've not had it so bad since then - just the snow.... :rolleyes:
Blimey Rich ,that calls for major surgery! That's a useful building you have there and well worth the work anyway....Make sure you fit metal tie straps to the new wall plate timbers