I'm wondering which character you people think needs to be killed off? Why? And how? I'll open the bidding with Will Grundy falling victim to the curse of Keepers Cottage OR Pip Archer drowning in the new silage tank. They're both irritating, but Pip probably edges it by virtue of her cloying smugness. So now's your chance to have your say - take aim, FIRE!!
Whoever I think whoever gets paid for pretending to be a cow or a chicken, you can hear them doing a cow "moo moo" or the chicken sound, in the background.
Elizabeth Pargetter who has had a congenital heart condition from birth will die unexpectedly and a custody dispute over Lily & Freddie will ensue - has she made/changed her will to prevent David (& Ruth) Archer from being potential guardian(s)? or/ Joe Grundy will die and the grandchilldren (Will & Ed) will fight over inheritance of the horse & trap.
Last time I listened to the Archers was sometime in the mid-fifties. Even then we only got captured by it when it took the time slot that Dick Barton had. I suppose Walter Gabriel isn't still going!
Oh my!, Shiney!! Dick Barton Special Agent, Paul Temple, Dan Dare and the Treens [not forgetting the Mekon!}, you'll be saying you listened to Mrs Dales Diary next.:D
Nope! Not Mrs Dale's Diary but I clearly remember, Jet, Doc, Mitch and Lemmy in Journey Into Space . I wasn't happy when David Kossof stopped playing Lemmy but his replacement, Alfie Bass, was just as good. :yess:
Shiney, Dick Barton !, Did you do the, DanDri in an Dan Dan Dan , Introduction Music . The Devils Gallop I think it was called. .
That was a classic! The Red Planet series was on radio4 Extra not long back so The World In Peril should be on soon.
It's funny how certain bits of music stick in your mind from your childhood. The Dick Barton theme and the Paul Temple theme have definitely lodged in my mind, although I can't remember the Dan Dare theme........if there was one:D I think the BBC brought both Dick Barton and Paul Temple back for a mini series on the radio on a few years back. By the way, does anyone remember the name of Paul Temple's Wife??, it's on the tip of my tongue but............no, I can't remember it:D
Give that person the Big Teddy Bear!!!! Thanks, longk, that means I'll be able to sleep tonight without it buzzing at the back of my mind.
It's a b?gger when that happens! My worst is wordwheels - I suddenly wake up in the middle of the night with the answer and can't get back to sleep:(
OH would tell you that it's high time the entire Archers cast was rounded up and chucked in the Brook Farm slurry lagoon. I still listen to the Sunday omnibus. I think whingey old Susan should be first in the firing line now that hopeless Helen seems to have calmed down a bit.