The Flying Scotsman

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Fat Controller, Jun 3, 2017.

  1. Fat Controller

    Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

    May 5, 2012
    Public Transport
    At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
    After a failed attempt to see The Flying Scotsman at Staines station on Wednesday (view completely blocked by a modern electric train), we decided to have another try at a pedestrian railway crossing out in the countryside this morning; finally, I have managed to see this magnificent machine on the rail! Simply fantastic!

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    • Phil A

      Phil A Guest

      Braw a body FC :dbgrtmb::dbgrtmb::dbgrtmb:
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      • Marley Farley

        Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

        May 11, 2005
        Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
        Under the Edge Zone 8b
        Isn't it wonderful.!? I saw it when it came close by too but so many people... I could see but no clear shots... A fab sight to see as the last time I saw it, was when it used to take me to my Aunts in Scotland as a kid... It was fantastic to see it steaming again.! :SUNsmile:
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        • Kandy

          Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

          Apr 23, 2006
          Head gardener
          In the Middle Of Blighty
          Lovely piece of filming @fat controller although I was amazed as to the amount of carriages they had behind it,and loved the Diesel unit on the end for the return journey:love30:

          We are booked to going on it in September and are so looking forward to it:smile:
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          • Fat Controller

            Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

            May 5, 2012
            Public Transport
            At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
            There was a chap there from Network Rail who said that every seat on today's train was a £650 ticket - loads of money on that train, as every seat looked to be full. Today's run was Victoria - Victoria via a loop somewhere further down the line - the Class 37 only had a 'just in case' role today, unlike Wednesday when the Scotsman had the 37 in front of it to pull it home.
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            • Marley Farley

              Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

              May 11, 2005
              Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
              Under the Edge Zone 8b
              Oh my really £650.? I knew it would be big bucks but I was content to catch a glimpse of a bygone era I was part of.. I used to go up every year once a year.. Keeping my memories.. Loved trains then and still do now, although get to see many these days now my grandsons are grown up.. So a real treat to see and smell it coal and oil again.. :biggrin::thumbsup:

              This is a favourite of ours.. John Betjeman
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              • Kandy

                Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

                Apr 23, 2006
                Head gardener
                In the Middle Of Blighty
                @fat controller when they did the first run from London up to York I would have loved to have been on it with Mr Kandy as I had been following it's progress for a number of years even when there was a set back a couple of years ago which delayed getting it running again.When the tickets went on sale they were £450 each plus we would have had to either drive down to London or train it,then the journey to York was one way so then we would have had to have found our way back down to London again to collect our transport home,either our car from an all day parking slot or the train back home, and we really couldn't justify spending near £1,000 for a few hours on a steam train.

                Luckily the trip we are taking on it later on in the year won't cost anywhere near that price:biggrin:
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                • Fat Controller

                  Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                  May 5, 2012
                  Public Transport
                  At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                  To be fair to the organisers of this trip @Kandy, my understanding is that this trip was one of those Silver Service, 5 course meal and as much champagne as you can drink type of affairs, so the high price is probably justified.

                  I could never afford it, as much as I would love to, but then I am the sort of person that I would be even happier to be up the front covered in coal and grease :biggrin: - however, on the same token, I do not grudge anyone who can afford it a trip out being hauled by this stunner of a machine - plus, I love the fact that there is clearly a deep love in many peoples hearts for it, and that it is so popular that it is making sufficient money to remain viable to run for the future.

                  Now all we need is to get Mallard back on the open rail!
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                  • Kandy

                    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

                    Apr 23, 2006
                    Head gardener
                    In the Middle Of Blighty
                    @fat controller I hadn't heard about the champagne drinking :Wino:as I only got as far as looking at the prices and as it was far too expensive for us I didn't take it further.:sad: I think it was full of journalists and people with lots of dosh plus a few dozen train enthusiasts :biggrin:

                    I think the high prices are to help pay for the restoration especially when they had the crack found in the boiler I think it was but don't quote me on it:biggrin:

                    Mr Kandy would love to be on the footplate of any steam train as he loves them like I do even though as a country yokel he wasn't into steam trains whereas me being a towney me and my brothers used to stand by the fence with our Ian Allan locospotters books and would tick off the trains as they came through Northampton.We used to wave as well and I always say to Mr Kandy we were the original Railway Children even before the film was made:biggrin:

                    Our trip on it is £76 for two from Minehead to Bishops Lydeard and then back on a named Locomotive to Minehead:smile:

                    Yes it would be fantastic for Mallard to be back on track so to speak but Mr Kandy thinks it is in the railway museum in York?
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                    • Jiffy

                      Jiffy The Match is on Fire

                      Aug 25, 2011
                      Retired Next To The Bonfire in UK
                      We went to see the flying scot on the 19th may in glos but it was at 8.45pm when it was dew, but there was a delay, no not leaves on the line but people with a death wish, so the flying scot was a hour late and was dark when he came through :sad:
                    • Fat Controller

                      Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                      May 5, 2012
                      Public Transport
                      At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                      £76! What a bargain!! Yes, the Mallard is in the Railway Museum at York - given that it took £millions to get The Scotsman restored, I reckon that it is sadly unlikely that Mallard will get the same treatment :frown: - I hope you both enjoy your run from Minehead. The named loco might well be the Class 37 that was on the back in the video, as it appears to have been liveried up to match - they make a lovely noise too!

                      @Jiffy - that is the very reason that they are not publicising its whereabouts any more, to many idiots putting themselves in the path of danger. The Network Rail guy who was there, because of said idiots, told us that there was one very recently where a guy was taking loads of photos by standing on the railway and didn't see or hear the modern express going at 90mph in the opposite direction; it missed him, just, but apparently it caused chaos as the driver of the express was really shaken up.

                      Top marks to the chap called Tony who is a Manager with Network Rail - lovely guy, and was quite happy to have us there, as his only concern was people being stupid. There were only four of us, and three of those were myself, Mrs C and Little C.
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                      • Kandy

                        Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

                        Apr 23, 2006
                        Head gardener
                        In the Middle Of Blighty
                        IMG_0703.JPG Yes @fat controller we thought it a bargain after the amount it cost to get her back on the lines although if she is going to be touring around the British Isles for the rest of her life then they will eventually recoupe the £10,000,000 it is thought to have cost to reverb her so yes I can see why they are reluctant to move Mallard.I will pass the info on to Mr Kandy that she is at the York museum.I think Sir Nigel Gresley (sp) is there as well?

                        How terrible that because of those idiots getting to near to spoil it for everyone else so. Bet you are glad that you managed to see her in all her glory:love30: I will rerun your video so I can get a better look at the named engine on the back:biggrin:

                        I got it wrong slightly,we are travelling from Bishops Lydeard to Minehead as it is free parking and we will have time to walk round Minehead before we head back whereas there is only the railway shop at Bishops Lydeard plus we want to be pulled the proper way round not having the engine backwards:biggrin:
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                        • Fat Controller

                          Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                          May 5, 2012
                          Public Transport
                          At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                        • Scrungee

                          Scrungee Well known for it

                          Dec 5, 2010
                          Central England on heavy clay soil
                          I'll be down that way then, sussed out a good location when we were there last month, trains on one side of the path and sea fishing on the other side. And agree that they just don't look right with the engine at the wrong end.


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