The history of allotments

Discussion in 'Allotments Discussion' started by THE MASTER, Jul 5, 2008.


    THE MASTER Gardener

    Mar 20, 2008
    due to todays econmics the allotments are comming back. more and more peeps are searching out abit of ground to grow there own stuff . its cheaper than going to a gym, you get to meet peeps that you would not normaly chat too ive lived in my road since 84 and ive used to only know a few peeps in my road . since ive had my allotment . im meeting more and more peeps not only in my road but on the web aswell

    anyways back to my orginal post
    I was woundering what the allotment was like back when it started way back before i was bourne(ile let you do the maths (1962)).
    i know a little history of our allotments (apparently more than the counsil rep lol)
    thanks to google earth i can show you all how big ashford allotments used to be
    it has been chopped in half due to lack of users

    its not a new site its and old war allotment DIGGING FOR VICTORY
    im trying to find out all about it's history .. ive been snooping around the site finding stuff in my plott i found an old news papper that dates back to 1998. so im thinking my plott hassnt been dug for ten years or so
    on my snooping around ive found in the comunial hut a realy old sign it's cast alloy and is in need of some love and care . the picky just does not say how bad it is . ive used side lighting to bring up the text

    now im going to work on this old sign with some care with "thanks to all those that dug us out off WW2"
    simple reason . i know i would not be free today if it wasnt for the back up to troups that fourt the battle .

    im going to see if i can find out more stuff about were i live :thumb:
  2. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    What a great find Colin I think it would be wonderful you 'doing up' that old sign.

    Not allowing dogs down on the allotments is a little harsh as most of the guys down our way have a little dog to keep them company although I have yet to see anyone of them cleaning up their dogs mess which is quite maddening I mean we all have to wipe our own bums so what's the difference in cleaning up after your dog!

    Every day it's like walking a obstacle course so much so I feel like a dog poo metal detector going along saying 'Watch out for that one Bob' it's just nasty something really has to be done about it!:mad:

    I know what you mean Colin about meeting new people down on the allotments it's all very socialable although even before getting our allotment we made many friends when we first came to live in this village 2 years ago we tend to mix very well and the people on our estate are wonderful well all but one is!

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