The opposite of the bucket list

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by clueless1, Aug 16, 2016.

  1. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    Perhaps I'm in my mid life crisis. Perhaps I'm just bored. But today I got to thinking. Life as a grown up surely doesn't have to be a boring mix of routine tedium and random aches.

    I think we gradually just get out of the habit of doing fun things, til we don't even want to do them any more.

    Which got me to thinking about creating a Not A Bucket List. Not a list of things I have never done but want to before I die. A list of things I have done at some point in the past, that was fun. The list will be long. It will contain entries that I must not repeat (like erm, entertaining people I met only a couple of hours earlier in a nightclub ). But there will also be stuff I can safely repeat, like taking an impromptu swim in the sea, belting down a hillside on my mountain bike, or building some stupid experimental contraption that could never work.

    So what would be on your Not A Bucket List?
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    • Jiffy

      Jiffy The Match is on Fire

      Aug 25, 2011
      Retired Next To The Bonfire in UK
      We just take each day as it comes, we'm retired and loving it, after have bissy jobs we just relaxe and enjoy life now :Wino:
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      • "M"

        "M" Total Gardener

        Aug 11, 2012
        The Garden of England
        I don't think you are having a mid-life crisis (too young, yet!) and I don't think boredom is the issue either; I just think you have forgotten that, deep down, there is no real difference between being a child or adult as, ultimately, both are human and all humans have certain needs. One of those being: yearnings!

        I would like to "sledge" down a hill on a kitchen tray (just like I did as a child) with careless abandon! Oh and use socks as mittens too; crucial element those socks!

        I would like to sing - at the top of my voice - despite a voice which is no longer tuneful or in tune :heehee: I used to be the lead singer in our school plays.

        I would like to go in a hot air balloon and throw confetti down. Never done it before, but the hankering only came after I flown in an aeroplane. (Or, maybe it is stems from nostalgia of a slimmers bread advert? :dunno: "She flies, like a bird in the sky-iyiyi ... " )

        I would like to have the confidence to don a bathing costume, swim in the sea, then float on my back under a summer sun and just "be"! I miss doing that.

        I would like to sell one item that I have made: just one (I'm not greedy) just for that moment of "wow, someone *liked* it enough?". I used to sell stuff at craft fairs, many years ago now, but never with that sense of "Wow!"; it would satisfy a yearning now I have reached that sense of appreciation that someone likes it enough.

        I would like go on a Waltzer! Many years since I've been on one of those!! They were f.u.n.! :heehee:

        I would love to ride a horse on a gallop! The best I achieved was a hack :roflol:

        I would like to experience clay pigeon shooting; target shooting I did (again, years ago) but never progressed to clay pigeons. Pity, because I'm at the stage now where my eyesight isn't as it once was.

        I'd like to revisit the New Forrest in Spring; it is magical then (or, so I remember it).

        I yearn for those days when the park had swings which *anyone* could use - now the swings all seem to be moulded to accommodate certain frames (adult not being one of them). I used to love the swings.

        Now the *real* question is: when we will *make* the time to do these things ;)
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        • clueless1

          clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

          Jan 8, 2008
          Well, I can't speak for anyone else, but for me, I have a cunning plan.

          I intend to write down lots of things i think might be fun for the whole family, and turn it into a book of tickets. Cl1.1 will then be given said book of tickets, and told that as long as weather permits and school and work are not in the way, he can present a ticket as and when. I then have to have a darned good excuse to not do it.
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          • WeeTam

            WeeTam Total Gardener

            Mar 9, 2015
            Southern Scotland
            Top of my opposite bucket list is to buy a good bucket as ive got a split in mine ?
            • Funny Funny x 5
            • Agree Agree x 1
            • shiney

              shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

              Jul 3, 2006
              Retired - Last Century!!!
              Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
              It's OK @WeeTam I've got 19 buckets here so you can pop along and have one of them. :blue thumb: :heehee:
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              • miraflores

                miraflores Total Gardener

                Apr 16, 2006
                mean daily minimum temperatures -1 -2
                I am still thinking of this two days trip on a small fishing boat and owning an ARA MACAU parrot and an iguana. Being a Capricorn, my wishes are always not so impossible to achieve.
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