The Photographic Year Winners Review 2008..!!!!

Discussion in 'Photo Competitions' started by Marley Farley, Dec 26, 2008.

  1. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    :gnthb: Well another year has yet again gone by so quickly that it is "Gallery Time" again..!!

    Now then as you all know Nathan awards a prize of Garden Vouchers at the end of the Year to a winning photo....
    This year, to make it a little different we have decided to have a "Photograph of the Year 2008" as our winner..!!

    All this years winners from all 3 Competitions will be in this gallery by the end of the month & I shall introduce a voting thread in January where you can all vote for your favourite Photo of the Year..!!

    These competitions are run for all of the members of GC to join in so that you all get a chance to show off your photography skills & have a bit of fun..!!

    :thumb: So I would like to say a big "Thank you" to everybody who takes the time to enter these competitions each month or Season, as without you it wouldn't be very interesting..!!

    So starting in January 2008 it was.....

    January Monthly Comp.. roders with "Let's Face It..!

    January Enhanced.. Marge with "Melting Mums"


    February Monthly.. Glen W.. "Goodnight Jim Bob"..

    February Enhanced.. Lyn with "Ring Box"..

    Seasonal Comp..Winter 2007 Dave W "Morning Mist on the Tay"...


    March Monthly... Glen W... An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away..!!


    March Enhanced.. Lyn with... "Molly"..


    April Monthly.. roders with... "Cheap & Chearful..!


    April Enhanced.. Gogs with.. Purple Haze....!


    May Monthly... Strongyloden with.."Pink Poppy"..!


    May Enhanced... roders with.. "Golden Rain"..!


    Spring Seasonal... Paladin with... "Nature's Blanket"..!


    June Monthly... roders with "Feed Me"..!


    June Enhanced.. Dave W with... "Floral Dance"..!


    July Monthly.. Dave W with... "X-Ray Health Check"..!


    July Enhanced.. Paladin with... "Making Hay"...!


    August Monthly... Lyn with.. "Crayons"...!


    August Enhanced.. Ace of Spades with... "Overflow"..!

    September Monthly... Ace of Spades with... "Bamborough Castle"..!!


    September Enhanced... Gogs with... "Windfalls"...!


    Summer Seasonal... roders... Fields of Gold & Red......!


    October Monthly... Shiney with... "A Maizing Reds"...!


    October Enhanced...Alana with... "Most Easterly Dawn"...!


    November Monthly... Kathy 3 with... "Suns Rays"...!


    November Enhanced... Wiseoldowl with... "Earth Wind & Fire"...!


    Autumn Seasonal... Dave W... Caledonian Forest Glade...!


    December Monthly Dave W "Christmas Spirit... Absent Friends"..!!


    December Enhanced... Dave W.. Gloria in Excelsis Deo..


  2. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    :gnthb: OK everyone,the gallery is now complete...!
    Come & have a good look at the photos & try & decide on just 3 photos...!!!!:D I know it will be hard as they are all such superb shots.!!:)

    :gnthb: Good Luck to you all in choosing 3, I think it will be hard..!!!:thmb::D

    :thmb: The Voting thread is now open HERE...!:thmb:

    :thmb: GOOD LUCK EVERYONE..! :thmb:!

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