The Royal Mail ... Merry Christmas

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Victoria, Dec 10, 2010.

  1. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    I have just been onto one of expat forum threads I am on and I find this funny and thought I would share it with you ... so beware if your cards go astray ...

    "We sent our Christmas cards (100+) to the UK last week, for a relative to stamp and post for us, she posted them on Tuesday 7.12.10.

    Today (Friday 10.12.10) we received one of the cards back here!!

    On the front was an Avery (14 per page) label clearly printed with the UK ADDRESS (12 font) and a small poinsetta logo (ah) and a second class stamp. On the reverse our (senders) address on a small label one inch by half an inch in size (6 font).

    The Royal Mail sent it back to us using the senders address and a UK second class stamp! We had no surcharge to pay to the PT post office.

    I contacted the Royal Mail and now I have the option to complain or not. The lady in the UK stated 'I wonder how that happened' ... "

    I'll let you know if he gets any more back ... and of course any he does he'll have to post to the UK at now more cost ... :dh:
  2. Alice

    Alice Gardener

    Feb 24, 2006
    It's just a testament to their machinery that it can read the 6 font :D
    Pass the magnifying glass please :old:

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