the tech guys

Discussion in 'Computer Corner' started by Sunshine P, Oct 25, 2007.

  1. Sunshine P

    Sunshine P Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    I have had to upgrade since my computa broke down so i upgraded to windows vista.

    I asked the tech guys to transfer all my work from old pc to new, they said they did, but could not find anything so i took it back and it took 3 of them to find my pics, they showed me how to do it but alass cant remember how to do it, they told me to go in to backup thing they have put on new pc, that is fair enough but everything is hidden so much cant find it, i ask you what is the point in paying for them to put all my work on if i can not find it.

    Apperently it is hidden, i have to put in *.jpg to find what i need but it will not work for some reason, I have found some of my work but the stuff i want i can not find, 6 years work is hidden in my computa somewhere.

    Any other ideas will be most welcome if the tech guys cant find it and they transfered it how am i supposed to find it. One of the tech guys said he does not know why or whoever transfered it but he should not of put it in hidden files, as it is no use to the novice computa person as myself.

    I have also a *.doc thingy but that is not working either, shall i take it back or can anyone help me.

    Very frustrated and going insane over this..

    Thanks if you can help
  2. NewbieGreen

    NewbieGreen Gardener

    Jul 25, 2007
    I've not used 'tech guys' before, but how have they given you your restored data? Is it a dvd/hd or what? Is it a drive on your Pc? If so can you not browse your restored data?

    This data shouldn't all be hidden.
  3. Sunshine P

    Sunshine P Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    they have put a data backup thing on new pc, yes i think the drive is on pc, yes i can browse some of it but the stuff that i want is not there, it was in the shop but when i got home and tried it i can not find it anywhere.

    The tech guys could not believe how hidden it was but for me it is still hidden. I think i will have to take it back again, they also told me that it would take a very long time transfer all my work on to new pc that is why it may have been hidden?????? go figure what is the point i say!!!!!!!!!
  4. NewbieGreen

    NewbieGreen Gardener

    Jul 25, 2007
    Does there data drive that is on your pc have a letter? When you doubleclick on the drive, what is in the folder (ie the root of the drive)? What are the actual folder names that you can see?
  5. Dave W

    Dave W Total Gardener

    Feb 6, 2006
    Anything I fancy and can afford!
    Tay Valley
    If it took 3 "experts" (?) to find your files, either they weren't terribly expert or the file system on your old PC was configured in a very unusual way.
    If you can come up with the answer to NewbieGreen's question as above it will give us a clue as to how your drives on the new PC are set up.
    The easiest way for one of your three experts to help you access those old files would have been to create a 'shortcut' on your desktop to the relevant folders.

    If your old hard drive isn't faulty, hang on to it. For about �£15 to �£25 you can buy a thing called a disc caddy which will enable you to use your old drive as an external backup drive. It would also give you access to all your old files.

    However looking on the bright side of things - you do at least know that your file are there, somewhere, and you haven't completely lost them [​IMG]
  6. miraflores

    miraflores Total Gardener

    Apr 16, 2006
    mean daily minimum temperatures -1 -2
    Hi Sunshine P, i imagine what a bad feeling it must be to be in your situation.
    First of all, you paid the guys, so they better deliver what you asked...I would go to them again, with the name of some of the stuff you want to view, and ask them to show you how to retrieve it.
    Explain it ten times if necessary - that is their job(I would write down the explanation if I was you)
    Another thing...why didn't they put the data exactly as they were in the old computer: is it not possible? Because if it is, I don't see why you should have them in a different place!
    let us know the development!!
  7. Sunshine P

    Sunshine P Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    thanks guys i think it will be easier if i post a pic up of what they put on that might give someone else a clue cos it has got me [​IMG] :confused: :eek:
  8. Sunshine P

    Sunshine P Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    this is the first one


    then i get this


    click on it and get this


    click on a name and go to my documents

    then put in *.jpg and it is supposed to bring up all my transfered file but it does not i keep getting the same ones all the time.

    well dont know if that has helped anyone cos it is doing my head in, i want to find all my pictures of holidays and all my documents which i need but still cant find, i know they are there but where i ask myself

    [​IMG] :confused: [​IMG]
  9. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    sunshine, got no idea.
    but if you are with the 'tech guys'- you should have insurance.
    take it back and make sure they get it 'out' for you.
    i'm thick & i've had the tech guys come here. they don't want to give anything away. don't forget probably half of them are not wanting to be there eg they only get paid on the hour, or whatever else they can give you.

    i must say i haven't had any probs as such, but i think that's cos i don't know what's going on.
    that to say i've had brilliant people round.
    feeling sorry for me i expect!

    if you want a number for up this way i can give it. no he is not related or anything. just know him when he worked for telewest, & is doing things on his own/business now. not a friend. would not recommend anyone unless i knew that they did a good job.
    let me know
    i hate the fact that 'they' have to advertise 'techguys'. it would have been enough to do it by word of mouth or little bit on PC World ads.
    as i said so good so far. but now it's new again!
    let me know please how you get on.
  10. Dave W

    Dave W Total Gardener

    Feb 6, 2006
    Anything I fancy and can afford!
    Tay Valley
    Try double clicking on 'My Documents' and let us see what comes up.
    Looks like your old files should be in there (Somewhere!)

    P.S. - Well done on the screen shots - not everyone knows how to do that [​IMG]
  11. Sunshine P

    Sunshine P Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    thanks for that guys, this is what happens when i click on documents then after then after


    its a bit back to front but you get my drift, i have been through the whole lot and the pictures and the documents am looking for are not there.
  12. Sunshine P

    Sunshine P Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    oh and i have this they gave me this back when i went down in this thing is all what i need but dont know what to do and i should have to pay again as they have not done their job proberly

  13. Dave W

    Dave W Total Gardener

    Feb 6, 2006
    Anything I fancy and can afford!
    Tay Valley
    OK Patricia.Good try.

    This may be a very stupid question, but have you looked in the "Patrica" user folder? Only reason I ask is that the photos show Josh and Jordan's folders, but not yours.
    Another thing to try (you've probably done it already though) is to look in "My Documents" via the "Start" menu, rather than via "DataBackup", just in case the techies put your files in there. It's a longshot though.

    One final suggestion for now. Choose "Search" via your "Start" menu and when asked "what do you want to search for?", Choose "All Files and Folders" Then click on "More Advanced Options" and ensure you have ticks against - "Search System Folders", "Search Hidden Files and Folders", "Search Sub Folders"
    You'll have to put in a full or partial file name so if you can remember one it will help an alternative would be simply to search for .jpg (no star , just DOTjpg)
    When you have the Search window open check how many hard drives your PC thinks it has. There's probably only one "Local Hard Drive (C:)", but there is a slight chance your drive may have been partitioned and there could be another drive in the list. If this is the case you'll need to search both drives.
    Sorry very long reply. I hope it makes sense.
  14. Sunshine P

    Sunshine P Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    thanks for that Dave will try that, the only reason why i have not chose patricia folder is because for some reason there is not one for me, all my document pics everything were in my name, on my old computa but for some reason there is nothing in my name on new computa, everything is in josh and jordans name could that be the problem they have put all of their stuff on and not mine.

    They have put other stuff that is not even any of ours on also god knows what they have done, will try what you have said tomorrow and will let you know what happens thanks once again i hate to be a nuisence but thats me nothin in ma noggin [​IMG] :confused: :eek: :D

    not very good screen shots this time :eek:

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