Thin broccoli & other veg

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by lindyco, May 2, 2009.

  1. lindyco

    lindyco Gardener

    Oct 2, 2007
    *I planted winter veg last year - purple spouting broc., cauli, savoy cabbage and kale. The purple broccoli has only very thin stems with a few weedy 'heads' - barely big enough to eat - on the ends and the stems are now beginning to flower. Have I missed it? Is it safe to eat if there are flowers on the stems as well as the purple bits?
    *Also there is no sign of caulis, and the cabbage plants are quite tall with lots of great leaves but no real heads - yet. Is it still a bit early for these or have they failed?
  2. mchumph

    mchumph Gardener

    Aug 25, 2008
    Doesn't sound good :-(
    If the PSB has gone to flower then I'm afraid that's pretty much it. I've just pulled mine up after it had been in flower for a couple of weeks (the bees seemed to like it - I didn't) but I have been eating it since february...

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