things growing indoors getting big !!

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by iveonlygotpots, Mar 23, 2006.

  1. iveonlygotpots

    iveonlygotpots Apprentice Gardener

    Mar 22, 2006
    can i have some advise please .... my first post, and Im a bit sutck over what to do next.

    in our utility room we have the following ...

    - sweet pea seeds, almost 12 inches high. Ive pinched the first leaf out, as I read that would encourage them to bush ? ? I have moved them into 3 inch pots.

    - cucumber seeds are about 4 inches high, Ive put them into 3 inches pots

    - chives - in 3 inch pots

    - T&g looks like a mess in the propagator, just a mass of green. looks to little to move into pots as yet.

    in downstairs loo still in propagators, (the warmest room in house)

    - tumblimg toms are about 1 inches high.

    - lettuce & spring onion just started to show

    - pepper & chilli still sleeping

    my strawberry plants, garlic and wild garlic are outside (in pots) but im worried i moved them all outside too soon ? ? should i get them back in or leave them to it ? ?

    we are off on holiday for a fortnight April 8th, should i move any of them outside by then.
    They will all be going into various pots and tubs, I feel a numpty and my husband is teasing me, but I suggested I ask our babysitter to come in and water them ? ? reading up here, i gather i should leave them in the house until May ? ? will my utilty room & loo resemble a jungle on my return ? ? or should i move them into the garage, which although protected from certain elements is still very cold ? ?

    thanks for reading, sorry i havnt got a clue, ive never grown anything before.
  2. UsedtobeDendy

    UsedtobeDendy Gardener

    Feb 2, 2006
    Retired teacher and gardener
    I wouldn't put any of them out - you don't know what the weather's going to bring. I'd put them all onto reasonably big trays, with capillary matting in the trays to stand the pots on, and water the matting. I generally do ask a neighbour to come in and keep them going - but if they're all in the same area, and only on a few big trays, it wouldn't be too much to ask someone to pour water onto each of them, would it?? ;)
  3. iveonlygotpots

    iveonlygotpots Apprentice Gardener

    Mar 22, 2006
    thanks, was thinking that would be the best option, i think i will leave them all on the work top in the utilty room, got to leave a key with neighbour anycase, so it wouldnt harm for her daughter to water my babies. hopefully it will be warmer on our return !!
  4. Fran

    Fran Gardener

    Mar 23, 2005
    I'd agree with that - even if you put them outside and protect them, they are still going to need watering. Better for them to stay indoors - but as advised in a big tray. Mind - they are going to take a lot of sorting out in two weeks time - this is spring after all :D . Well done at getting such a good result on your first sowing - I betcha getting a real buzz. [​IMG]
  5. strongylodon

    strongylodon Old Member

    Feb 12, 2006
    Wareham, Dorset
    Even if you lose a few seedlings it's not the end of the world, you can still sow a late batch. We all get a buzz out of grownig and you are always learning , keep us informed on how you're doing, there's plenty of help here when you need it. [​IMG]
  6. iveonlygotpots

    iveonlygotpots Apprentice Gardener

    Mar 22, 2006
    should i leave the strawberries and garlic outside, they have been outside for about a week now ? ? it hasnt rained in that time, so ive been giving thema little water in the day ? but its soo cold isnt it ? ? would be gutted if i lost them actually as they are my first success, the garlic grew so fast !!

    thanks for being so helpful, i have got a realy buzz from this, dh bought 'us' a worm composter and a water butt (incase of hosepipe ban) and im feeling very green fingered ... lol !!!! thinks its all getting a bit to my head !!

    i'll get them potted up properly before we leave, (mad panic) and will be back on to ask about the outside move.

    thanks again
  7. Fran

    Fran Gardener

    Mar 23, 2005
    They should be fine - just as long as your neighbour waters them if there's no rain. At the moment rain is forecast, but containers dry out quickly - especially as the weather warms up.
  8. iveonlygotpots

    iveonlygotpots Apprentice Gardener

    Mar 22, 2006
    come back from hols and everything seems to be alive, cant find the lettuce or t&g however??? so maybe that died while we were away ? but i will plant some more

    The tomatos and cucumber look fab !

    chives are a mess, they are just a stringy green mess. my mint outside look so pretty with the new leaves coming through.

    strawberries and garlic outside still living too !

    pepper & chilli have sprouted in my absence.

    when can i move them all outside ? is it beginning of May ? ?

    ive bought a climber thing and put it on top of my sweetpea pot and they are curling around it lovely, going to get some wire to help it on its way. all plants are now in the utilty room all fighting for the light from the window. wondered if Sweet pea could go out yet ? ?

    Ive been looking at some of your gardens .... wow !!! there are some real master pieces on here !!!
  9. wildflower

    wildflower Gardener

    Mar 14, 2006
    The chives should be okay outside they are very will soon have them multiplying ..and end up like me with them everywhere..

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