Thank you MF, as usual it didn't go to plan so here are some more of my garden:o And in case I run out of time again........tbc cheers
And the last ones.... Think I've got just about everything from the garden now - except the dead ones of course that I'm keeping for seeds. Hope you enjoyed my little garden. cheers
:thumb: Love your blue corner borrowers.! As you say, some nice tall flowers down the fence side will be very cheerful.:thumb: Is the plant in the last photo some kind of Euphorbia..?? I can't make up my mind..!:rolleyes::D
For once I can answer (bells & whistles), it's cerinthe. Don't know if that's in the same family or whatever ?? I was very kindly given seeds by a member here and they have come on brilliantly - at least in my eyes they have, didn't know what to expect. They have lovely leaf colouring too. I expect it's my cra**y photo taking! I put the camera on ISO too, (intelligent something or other I call it ). cheers
:thumb: Thanks borrowers knew it was familiar, not not a Euphorbia, but does go very well with them in planting, another name is Honeywort & a natural to this country..:thumb::D
Thanks MF. Not getting any signs of my tall flowers yet, if you know what I mean. Think I may have to do them indoors, not too late is it? cheers
Thank you imp. Not as grand as some, in fact not grand at all! But I love it now - except the blooming blackfly etc. cheers
borrowers try some rose clear...cracking stuff put it on my dahlias sorts em out for a week...i spray it all round the garden it works on anything:thumb:
Good job Borrowers :thumb: I would like to collect seeds this year, but apart from sweet peas the little büggers seem very elusive:confused:
Looking good borrowers,if you plant your cerinthe seeds now I have found they will overwinter ok outside you will be off to a flier next year.
:oThank you all. I must say I am proud of myself as a novice. Even learning where the seed pods are is exciting - how sad is that:D I will plant some cerinthe now, thanks for that info walnut. I got some more pots, longish ones, last week (much to my husbands despair:D), reduced from original price of £2.99 to 74p! This was in our local Sainsburys but there was no way I was going to spend over £2 for a plastic pot:eek: Pleased I waited now. I wish I could afford the really nice ones, but still, I think the flowers & plants make it really don't they? Can't wait for next year, already:rolleyes::D cheers