To cut or to treat or to leave alone and see what happens?

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by lollipop, Mar 27, 2009.

  1. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    Some clown has trodden on my Generous Gardener Rose and damaged one of the main stems.

    I am actually fuming but I need to be practical so I need advice on this because I don't want to have to cut the stem but of course absolutely will if I have to.

    My instincts tell me to cut below the damage-but my wishful thinking is saying it's on the inside of the stem so shouldn't affect the formation or growth of any outward facing buds-and to be honest it doesn't seem to have slowed down the new buds further up the stem. It may well heal itself, it's a very good quality and healthy plant in itself.

    It's a bit wobbly if I try to wiggle it, but it isn't flopping over or weak by it's own accord. I do have 6 other thick stems, so should I just cut it and be done with it?

    I have ( I hope successfully) embedded the pics ( first timer so we'll see).

    The blue is the Bordeaux Mix.

    Just had a thought-is something munching on it do you think-everyone in the house knows to stay away from the roses.
  2. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Hi Lollipop I have used electrical tape before now,Breaking a cane or even a main stem will not kill a rose. Your rose shouldnsurvive. If you have aligned the broken stem and taped it tight, there is every possibility that it will join again. I would add a couple of stakes close to the stem on either side to make sure the join doesn't move in the wind. Tightness of the tape is imperative, it must not move at all. . You need active growth to make a broken cane re-join again. If the rose is dormant you will not know how well it has joined until it starts into growth the in the spring.
    If you can't save the upper part of the rose bush, then make a clean cut below the break and the rose will continue to grow. Cutting a top off a rose is how we make a tall, lean rose bushier. Keep in mind that a rose will grow back from only one inch canes. Hope this helps.:)
  3. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    Okay, then electrical tape it is, it's in good heart, the rose itself is a good strong plant.

    I'll tape it and watch the particular stem over the next couple of weeks, thanks Woo.

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