Hi all we all like or would like a lovely looking garden don't we? But one thing that spoils the view is always going to be the dreaded washing line. :( I have a rotary line and also a retactable line so if I'm not too lazy these get put away after I use them, I think there's nothing better than air dried sheets so I'ave gotta keep my lines. Just wanted to know if any of you have 'done away' with your washing lines altogether just so your garden looks better? Helen.xxx.
Morning Helen. Boss lady just gets me to put the line up as needed. In this house that's once every leap year. :eek: :D
I still have a line in my junge, doesn't look good with the washing on but hey this is reality! tumble dryer only gets used in winter on bad days.
nope still got the washing line and i think its here to stay . dont really fancy walking around in wet clothes, i dont mind the wet mole skin underpants though :D
At the moment in my early gardening days, theres nothing much to look at at the end of the garden any way. So the clothes add colour
I like to see the sky when I look up, so therefore I don't use a washing line ( altough i would probably need like: three!)but I have a few clothes airer which I move indoors and outdoors depending where it looks more promising.
Hi Helen & everybody , I have smack bang in the middle of the lawn a horrible whirlygig I hate it, i truly despise it grrrr, having a garden that you have to walk up steps to means i can't have a line as it would be way too short at one end and the dog's would have a field day :D I have 3 clothes horses and use them either in the excuse for an extension (still waiting to be completed), or i put them on the patio if it is sunny and keep the dogs inside until washing is dry. Tumble dryer only used in winter same as everybody else. There's nuffin like the wind thru your washin i say :D Begging hubby to remove whirlygig, it is such an eyesore and spoils the garden. :( Hope ya all have the sun and breeze thru the washing today :D
When we bought a house we got rid of the old line as it was slimey, and i told my g/f that i certainly did NOT want one of those spinny things. I hate them. So now we just have the line diagonal across the garden. In fact its featured on here in front the the glove tree i had that got blown over :D
NG, Bloomin spinney thing is the bane of my life i look out on a lovely garden and see the bloomin monstrosity out there smack bang in the middle. Glad i'm not the only one who hates the things :D
I had numerous whirly lines that all rusted and snapped off at the bottom.They were slap bang in the middle of my teeny weeny garden. After the last one broke with all my washing strewn all over the ground i told hubby not to put another one up and to take the washing to the launderette and dry it . He did`nt want poles put up either side of the garden you see, he said it looks common . After much argument he finally relented and we now have two poles either side of the garden with two lines , the washings up out of the way , i can see the garden and walk around it after 28 years of whirly lines . You never see a washing line on a garden makeover programme do you :rolleyes: :D
I understand that dancing queen, i wouldn't be fond either. I dont have poles up though, i tie my line from shed to concrete fence post. Less ugly things in the garden.
Got a washing line that follws the path. Doesn't interfere with the garden. Although it's a bit of a bxxxxr when I'm getting the bike out :D
Made a stainless steel sleeve sunk it in the lawn slot the rotary in when it's needed stuff it in the shed when it's not, nul problemo.
That's the same thing Bob has done for me Walnut although until the back garden is all done I seem to be forgetting to put the rotary away ....Lazy mare that I am! :D Helen.xxx.