Tomato blight update :(

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by Freedom_Spark, Aug 17, 2009.

  1. Freedom_Spark

    Freedom_Spark Gardener

    Jul 16, 2009
    Hi everyone, thanks for all the advice on tomato blight. Unfortunately the majority of my plants had to be disposed of as the disease got into the stems and a few fruits began to rot. There is one plant with large fruits which had some suspicious leaves which were removed, so far I haven't noticed any lesions on the stems so it's staying put for now. So I only have one large plant and two cherry tomato plants which were in baskets and seem to have recovered quite a bit since I removed the diseased leaves in fact one of them has some ripening fruit: -


    I managed to save quite a bit of green fruit before burning the plants with infected stems & I have spotted quite a simple description of how to make green tomato chutney in a book by organic gardener Bob Flowerdew, if anyone else has any simple recipes let me know.


    I can only hope for the best with my final three plants (I had around 20 to begin with:() I think it may have been over-watering and lack of ventilation in the greenhouse which gave the blight perfect conditions to thrive in, or possibly the close proximity of the infected potatoes. I just hope it doesn't become a regular occurance I wasn't expecting much of a crop in my first year, still it's bitterly disappointing especially after tasting a few ripe cherry tomatoes, those in the shops are completely tasteless in comparison.

    Thanks again for all the advice everyone, just thought I'd update.
  2. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    I think you were just very unlucky FS, its been a very bad year for blight going by the number of people reporting it on here. I hope your remaining plants do well.

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