Tomatoes in danger! perhaps..

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by Yacobian, Jul 8, 2010.

  1. Yacobian

    Yacobian Gardener

    Jul 8, 2010
    Hey there folks first post on these here forums!

    I've had some good luck this year with my first attempt at growing some veg.
    Managed to get some good potatoes harvested from these plastic grow bags I got for christmas, which were really nice. Also had a good crop of spring onions and peas!
    really happy with the first years harvest so far.

    however ive got 4x tomato plants growing that have little vines of tomatoes starting to burst forth on two of them. But this morning i looked and theyve started to accumulate some little black flies on them. No where near as bad as some of the aphids im dealing with on this little apple tree im growing, but there none the less.
    Theyre quite sporadicly positioned and not that much like the clustered aphids ive seen on other plants on my gardens. unlike the aphids these little tykes have visible wings.

    I'm pretty ignorant about tomato pests and was hoping someone might be able to give me a little bit of advice about whether or not i should be worried, and if so, how i could handle dealing with these pests. I'd rather not used loads of chemicals if possible because im trying to be as 'green' as possible...etc

    Thanks a lot in advance.

  2. johnbinkley

    johnbinkley Gardener

    Mar 19, 2007
    Retired chem lecturer
    Hi Yaco,
    I've never really been bothered with aphids on tom plants, maybe because i have always grown something more tasty to them like broad beans and other favorites of theirs at the same time. Tom plants have a natural repellant of cyanide in their foliage and stems so I would guess this would keep aphids away. However, perhaps there is a tendancy for more resistant varieties of aphids in your particular garden.
    Are they definitely aphids?
  3. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    Had similar, non clustered blackfly on my welsh beans last night, wiped em off. They become clustered when the ants start hearding them like moo moos
  4. Yacobian

    Yacobian Gardener

    Jul 8, 2010
    looks like its not really spread all that much and some spiders have moved in to clean up a great deal of them, for the mo it looks like theyre under control so i'll post again if it all goes wrong, thanks a lot!


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