Transplanting Veratrum Viride.

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by silu, Jun 27, 2015.

  1. silu

    silu gardening easy...hmmm

    Oct 20, 2010
    I have just 1 clump of this which is roughly 10 years old. It doesn't grow fast so the clump isn't very big. I absolutely love this plant and it is maybe my favourite foliage plant.
    Point of the post is this Spring we had very very severe frosts well into May. Veratrum comes into growth early and this year it got extremely badly damaged, I actually thought I'd lost the lot at 1 stage, however it is on the mend but pretty well ruined for this year. I've been told it doesn't move very well but feel I should at least try to move even 1/2 of it to a spot which doesn't get nearly so frosted. I have no idea how to tackle the job and timing either. My best guess would be wait to the Spring and then dig up as best I can and pot on until re rooted but this could well be wrong. If anybody has moved it I'd be very interested on their experience. Thanks.

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