Trigger Finger Op

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Madahhlia, Jan 14, 2013.

  1. Madahhlia

    Madahhlia Total Gardener

    Mar 19, 2007
    Suburban paradise
    I'm due to have a small op for this trifling ailment next week - local anaesthetic. Can anyone tell me, if they've had the op, how much time off work was needed/given?

    I keep getting vague answers, ranging from
    1 day - if you feel the need to
    A fortnight - think of the infection risk, tut.

    I think something in between will probably be fine so'd like a nice cast-iron bossy doctor's note in my hand signing me off for two days (takes me to the weekend) so I don't have to feel guilty about being ill and not at work.

    The advice as to driving is similarly vague - might be as much as 2 weeks but "see how you feel". Left to my own devices I'd drive home from the hospital but I don't see how my insurance company would be happy with such vague advice - surely they'd prefer to have something carved in stone?

    Anyway, any experiences?
  2. Lolimac

    Lolimac Guest

    A friend of mine had same Op Madahhlia and she was advised at least 4 wks from driving....i'll give her ring to find out more and let you know:dbgrtmb:
  3. miraflores

    miraflores Total Gardener

    Apr 16, 2006
    mean daily minimum temperatures -1 -2
    All the best for a speed recovery and :gaah: don't even think of driving home yourself!

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