I am awaiting a letter from the relevent authority to say how and when I must pay for a TV License. Prior to becoming a 'wrinkly' and being allowed to watch the box FOC. I abided by the law and had a license. I am quite certain that it never cost anywhere near a hundred pounds. Now at the young age of 80 yrs. If I wish to watch telly, regardless of channels and, YES! and, even if I turn my box on to watch prepaid TV, The BBC is going to cash in. May I make a few points. OK. I well remember the days of black & white transmissions. I think transmissions started around tea time. In those early days, including the asvent of colour TV. The Beeb provided a good service. Presenters were respectfully attired. Their diction and pronunciation was of university standard. The progams were entertaining and on the whole, 'clean'. Now in respect of todays TV. How much of the license fee will go to ITV etc. Why is the BBC being allowed to collect the fee. If my old grat matter serves me well. The license fee originally was paid to the government-treasury. For the license holder to be allowed to receive a radio transmitted signal. Now a quick check on programs. The news. Why does the nations news have to be dominated by sport? Why so many confounded weather forecasts. Local news for London. Basically we have just seen it in the main news. Now other programs. OK now and then a good play or serial may be screened, apart from that. Bargain hunt, antiques road show etc. These use the public to play the parts. Then repeats. Why does sport tend to rule the scene. Sorry but If the BBC traded under a garden supplier name. I'd look elswhere for my manure. The BBC are getting away with selling C***