Type 3 Clematis

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by trogre, Apr 30, 2015.

  1. trogre

    trogre Gardener

    Feb 9, 2011
    Hi All.
    I have several type 3 clematis and as normal just prune them down to around a foot and have no problems with buds forming. However I have 3 x type 3 which are driving me bald.
    Triternata Rubromarginata ,Betty Corning & Princess Diana. All 3 do not produce buds from stems but from fresh shoots from soil!! Magnet for the Cepaea Hortensis snail ,small stripey type. No matter what I do I cannot win,slug pellets ,crushed egg shells ,copper,grease,traps.I replaced the Trig Rub with the Betty Corning but that one grows the same. It actually has grown to around 2 feet but the buggers have got the tips again, same as P.Diana.
    Trouble is when you look for a type 3 clematis to buy it does not say if buds form on stem or from fresh fresh shoots. Bit reluctant to purchase 2 more unless I get the same problem.

    This year I waited for buds to form on Betty Corning but non were there.I did then notice that new shoots were coming up from soil. I then gradually cut old stems down 1/2" at a time to ground level and there was no evidence of any green so the old stems were dead.
    Has anyone else got these clematis and do yours shoot from the ground.
  2. Spruce

    Spruce Glad to be back .....

    Apr 10, 2009

    I have "Diana" and the same problem as you , it got munched so much last year I only had one stem come up this spring so far , its a nuisance thats a fact , I try and keep the area totally clean of any leaves etc, the dry weather has helped as its stopped the snails and slugs so far .....

    to be honest if it dont do well in my garden it may have a 2nd chance and buy a new plant but after that I give up , thats why I like the montana group they just get on with it and no trouble apart from going too huge.

  3. trogre

    trogre Gardener

    Feb 9, 2011
    Spruce. The Triternata Rubromarginata I dug up and put it into a pot as a 2nd chance. It is growing ok now as easier to control the pests. Strangely I went out to look at the 2 other clematis that has been eaten and I found 2 small caterpillars on plant so perhaps it is not the snails after all doing the damage. I have now put normal car grease on the stems in the hope that the caterpillars will not go past it.

    I sent an email to Taylors Clematis whom I purchased 2 of the clematis from last year. I did not complain about the plants as they were healthy plants when I received them but asked is there any way I can determine if a type 3 clematis will grow either from the cut down stems,I have no problems with them being eaten , or the clematis that grow new shoots from the soil which are attacked. Interesting reply which I did not know and some recommendations.

    Hi Peter, generally all species clematis come from beneath ground
    level, so you are better off looking at any of the group 3 that do not
    have a 'species' name in front of them.
    i.e 'texensis'

    depending on which colours you are after maybe look at :-
    niobe http://www.taylorsclematis.co.uk/clematis-niobe.html
    rosemoor http://www.taylorsclematis.co.uk/clematis-rosemoor.html
    blue angel http://www.taylorsclematis.co.uk/Clematis-Blue-Angel.html
    Fuji musime http://www.taylorsclematis.co.uk/clematis-fuji-musume.html
    • Useful Useful x 1

      ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

      Jan 12, 2019

      I have a small collection of different varieties and classes of Clematis including Class 3's and so far I have never had trouble with them. I never cut them back to the ground but to the last two sets of buds on the stems. I would suspect that by pruning them down to the ground will obviously force the Clematis to produce shoots from under the soil and the only time I have resorted to that method is when Clematis Wilt had struck. I would recommend that you only prune all classes of Clematis down to the bottom two sets of buds on the stems.:dunno::snork:

      How to prune clematis in group three

      Initial pruning and training
      If young clematis plants are left unpruned they often produce very long single stems with the flowers produced only at the very top.

      Unless the plant already has three or four healthy stems growing from the base, all newly planted clematis should be pruned back hard the first spring after planting. Cut back to just above a strong pair of leaf buds about 30cm (1ft) above soil level. This will encourage multiple stems which can be trained in to supports to give a good coverage.

      During the spring and summer, tie in new growth, spacing stems evenly on the support.

      Pruning established plants
      • In February or March, cut back all the old stems to the lowest pair of healthy buds 15-30cm (6in-1ft) above soil level
      • Small-flowered clematis with attractive seed heads (such as C. 'Bill MacKenzie', C. 'Helios',C. orientalis, C. tangutica and C. tibetana subsp. vernayi) can just be thinned out and trimmed back to the main framework of branches, leaving the seedheads to be enjoyed
      If left unpruned, this group will continue growing from where the growth ended the previous season, becoming top heavy, flowering well above eye level, and with a bare base.

      If desired, they can be left unpruned to scramble over pergolas where space is not limited.

      Some mid- to late summer flowering clematis can be treated as either pruning group two or pruning group three, as desired. Examples include:

      'Comtesse de Bouchaud' AGM
      'Gipsy Queen' AGM
      'Hagley Hybrid'
      'Jackmanii' AGM
      'Jackmanii Superba'
      'John Huxtable' AGM
      'Perle d'Azur' AGM
      'Rouge Cardinal'
      'Star of India'
      • Useful Useful x 1
      • trogre

        trogre Gardener

        Feb 9, 2011
        Thanks for the info. I think I am going wrong by not being patient. What I mean is I should realize that not all group 3 clematis bud at the same time.The rest of the group 3 I have seem to bud quite early,in fact I am so busy doing other things that I suddenly realize that I have not pruned them down and have several pairs of buds on.
        I then looked at the other group 3 that I am having problems with and there are no buds so I wait a couple more weeks and still no buds. It is then that I just cut them down to around a foot thinking if I do not do this it will be too late, I am wrong!!

        I cut them down to a foot and there are no buds on the stems ,hence as you say they are forced to grow from the soil. I think next year I will just wait no matter how long it takes,even to the end of April if need be to wait for some buds to form.Obviously this group 3 clematis takes longer to bud.
        • Agree Agree x 1

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