Unusual Vegetable of the Week #3

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by Phil A, Feb 24, 2011.

  1. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    Mizuna Greens.


    Grew this from the BBCs Mixed salad packet last year. Didn't know what it was at the time, tasted very nice and had good slug resistance.

    My interest grew however, when the snow melted to reveal one that was quite happy (still is) and looked like it hadn't even noticed the temperature going down to -20c:rolleyespink:

    I see it is a crucifer as opposed to a compositae. Will be growing this along side my slug resistant Lollo Rosso lettuces.:thumbsup:
  2. lukenotts

    lukenotts Gardener

    Feb 3, 2011
    Self Employed Landscape Gardener
    Nottinghamshire - UK
    We too tried the bbc seeds, however, my partner managed to kill something that -20 was unable to do :th_scifD36: :heehee:

    so... we never actually got to the eating part.
  3. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    Spits wine all over keyboard:D

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