
Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by trogre, Feb 24, 2013.

  1. trogre

    trogre Gardener

    Feb 9, 2011
    Hi All.
    Hope I am in correct forum for growing vegetables in containers. I have read as many posts as I can but still lost,a bit of advice still please.
    I am going to try carrots, salad spuds, spring onions, tomatoes, radish, lettuce, if I get on okay with that lot then maybe, just maybe, peas? And or dwarf runner beans.
    It does seem 30-40L pots, bags etc for spuds and from what I can gather 10-12” or 15-20L for the tomatoes. I am not sure what size pots I will need for the beans & peas if I grow them?
    I purchased for mixing cement a washing bowl in Wilkinson’s which they sell for £1.The size is 9.5L and dimensions are 13.6cm high x 34cm square and are soft so no problem drilling holes in them.
    Would this be ideal for say radishes and lettuce as I am sure they are not deep rooting veggies? Sorry forgot about beetroot, what size container for these.
    I was thinking of Charlotte for the spuds, Atlas for carrots. That is about as far as I got in choosing but as yet no idea for the lettuce, beets, spring onions, radish, tomatoes, peas & beans.
    As you well know you start searching on Google and you come up with a multitude of different varieties from different people so you may as well stick a pin in. Any info on what types of above veggies I want to try you have succeeded with would be gratefully received.
    My experience with containers are flowers only so dying to have a go.
    Thank you
  2. Kristen

    Kristen Under gardener

    Jul 22, 2006
    Suffolk, UK
    Spuds in containers have very low yield IME, and need a lot of compost - so not much return for your money. I stick to First Early varieties (in bags) which are expensive in the shops, and taste great really fresh from the garden. So I do about 4 or 5 bags, and the rest I grow in the garden.

    Lettuce (the cut-and-come-again type) I grow in plastic window-boxes. The type I use have a perforated board in the bottom, with a water reservoir underneath which makes it easy to keep them watered, even if I forget for a day or two. I have several so that one can be coming on whilst another is being harvested.

    I have grown Tomatoes in pots, they were about 12" diameter, but Grow Bags work well. I think Grow Bgs are hard to get the watering right, and some people cut them in half to make two tall "pots" of compost, rather than laying the bag flat (and thus not having much depth of compost)

    Carrots I grow in pots about 9" diameter. I use old compost left over from, e.g. the potatoes in bags, and mix it about 50:50 with sharp "horticultural" sand.

    You might like to ask about the buckets they use for flowers in supermarkets. Many sell them off for very little as they seem to only have a one-way journey with flowers in them, and they can be made into decent sized pots - just make some holes in the bottom :)
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    • trogre

      trogre Gardener

      Feb 9, 2011
      Thanks for your info Kirsten.I will keep a look out for the flower buckets that supermarkets throw away.At our local Homebase they throw away those thick trays that hold 18 x 9cm pots in, and some that hold the larger pots in, 8.I picked up loads last year which were by the exit free for customers.
      We went to the Garden Centre Group (Wyevale) today and they got a special offer of
      40L Flexi Tubs,Normally £7.99 each but 2 for 1.I picked up 2 for £7.99 and got a good start for the spuds.I will post this offer on the general forum as they also have another offer on compost.
    • Peorthine

      Peorthine Gardener

      Feb 8, 2013
      hello! Im growing similar veggies to you, most in raised beds thouth.

      Kirsten what a great idea with the buckets! I have to ask at my local Asda.

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