Vertical clingers

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Victoria Plum, Jul 3, 2011.

  1. Victoria Plum

    Victoria Plum Gardener

    May 6, 2009
    Zone 8b/9a
    We have a kind of vertical terraced bit in our garden which is uncovered.

    When we moved in two and a half years ago we dug back from the house and a bed that was originally there about a foot to give us somewhere to sit. It's great as the piece above it is a grass path and we have sunk some decking tiles into it to make a 'living bench'.

    It's been like this for all that time while we have tried to come up with ideas for neatening it up. We have a very limited budget and no building labour. (Not DIY experts)

    I was wondering if there are alpines which will grow on a vertical surface of soil and stone. It could look really good I thought if they carpeted the side.

    Hubby loves alpines but has just started with them, making beautiful shallow terracotta bowls which sit on tables where we sit.

    Any ideas?
  2. Louise D

    Louise D Total Gardener

    Mar 24, 2011
    Somerset Coast
    Yes, there are, your best bet is to go to a garden cntre and see their selection but when you've decided what plants you like the look of buy the smallest sized pot of them and then you can gently push the rootball into the gaps in the stones - or lift some stones then gently set them back down onto the rootball.

    The ones that spring to mind immediately are the low growing Sedums, Sempervivums too - but go and see which plants take your fancy and go from there because what i like might not appeal to you - we're all different :)

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