wasteland to wonderland? help please!

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Gixer, May 26, 2010.

  1. Gixer

    Gixer Apprentice Gardener

    May 26, 2010
    Heya all, I've just found out that a patch in the car park where I live (cul de sac of 4 houses) is actually mine!
    Its currently overgrown and full of weeds, it was originally your typical cheap new home development patch of crappy shrubs and a small sprinkling of bark.

    Now rather eagerly I have just entered our village in bloom comp, believeing only my front garden will be judged... easy I thought Its all of 4 sq metres.... guess again that patch will also come under judging :dh:

    So I have a budget of about £25... and judging is on the 20th July
    I have NO plants available, tools wise I am equiped with a fork, a rake, a spade and a trowel. I have about 20 pots/trays and half a sack of compost.

    Do I stand any chance of making that wasteland beautiful? Its roughly the size of 1 car parking space, but kinda quarter of a circle in shape.

    So do i have time to grow from seed? what plants can I possibly get uber cheap?
    any suggestions?
    personally I like lots of colour and pretty flowers

    basically HELP! Thanks all

    eta a pic of the offending patch of scrub
  2. Fidgetsmum

    Fidgetsmum Total Gardener

    Jul 25, 2009
    Deepest, darkest Kent
    Were it me, I'd tell the Judges you suspect it's home to a rare species of ... something!

    Failing that, I'd suggest one of two things: either, rake off the bark chippings (you might be able to re-use them after a wash), dig up the weeds and see if any of the shrubs can be made to look more respectable with a bit of a haircut. I understand that it's an 'in bloom' competition, but considering the location of the patch, where presumably there is a danger from the occasional car wheel, why not go for one fairly tall specimen plant, a standard fuchsia or rose perhaps (others will have much better suggestions) and then put down some fresh bark chippings. I see Wickes are selling 90 ltr bags of bark at 3 for £12.

    If you really want flowers, there are a couple of routes to try. The cheapest of course is to blag, beg or borrow from friends or rellies, try a farmer's market or even boot fairs. A sneak round somewhere like one of the 'sheds' can sometimes reveal trays of bedding plants in which some of the plants have died - if you can find the 'responsible grown-up' you should be able to negotiate a hefty discount.

    Another thought, are your neighbours also entering the competition? Why not knock on their doors, tell them what's happened and ask if they've anything they'd be prepared to part with or turn it into a 'community' garden, with everyone contributing something.

    I don't know about seeds, someone else will, and I'm sure they'll have better suggestions too but my gut feeling is that 'wasteland to wonderland' in 8 weeks is perfectly possible.
  3. Gixer

    Gixer Apprentice Gardener

    May 26, 2010
    Liking the 1 big specimen idea! there are 3 cordulines and about 4 or 5 other shrubs lost in there and I have the 6 big shrubs I recently evicted from my front garden that could go in there.

    As for my neighbors... one barely speaks english so I wont hold by breath, the other has just finished his garden... front is now 100% white chip stone the back is all paved!

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