Watering systems, can anyone help please

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Ross, Sep 23, 2005.

  1. Ross

    Ross Apprentice Gardener

    Sep 23, 2005
    I need help! Does anybody know of a automatic watering system that doesn't need conecting to a tap or water supply? Do any of them have a storage tank that can be refilled. This is because I have a flat that I am going to rent out with a patio, and I don't trust the plants I want to add in pots will be watered regularly. However I dont have access to an extenal tap or any water supply without great difficulty. If anyone has any ideas I will be very, very grateful. Thanks, Ross
  2. sewer rat

    sewer rat Gardener

    Aug 19, 2005
    Hi Ross
    I remembered seeing something akin to what you need in a catalogue somewhere, so I've had a root around and here is what I found. Two Wests do a range of water tanks and drip feeders that can be attached to mains supply or self contained reservoirs. There is one I think would suit you - The whole kit costs �£49.99 (50 quid to you and me) and is called the Oasis Self Watering Kit - consists of 25 litre tank, 10 metres of tubing and 20 in-line drippers - claims to water 20pots for a maximum of 40 days. Anyway, you can have a look at all their products on their website - http://www.twowests.co.uk
    Hope this helps.

  3. Ross

    Ross Apprentice Gardener

    Sep 23, 2005
    Hi Rat,
    Thankyou so much for your reply, that system looks great. I'm going to ring them to check if it can be used outside as it looks like it is intended for in but I suppose if I can box it in and make it water tight it should be ok.
    Thanks again,
  4. Nik

    Nik Gardener

    Aug 30, 2005
    You could probably arrange for that system to be topped up with filtered rainwater from the roof.
    The problem with drippers is that they clog up with limescale quite quickly, ie 2 or 3 weeks in hot climates such as Spain. The trick is to adjust the drippers so that they deliver the required quantity of water in a 5 minute squirt rather than an hour long drip, once a day. then they go for months. This does reduce the number pots you can service with a 6mm pipe from about 200 to about 10, but in my case that was enough. A 6mm pipe is about the same size as 5amp cable. Couldn't you run this from a timer and pressure reducer under the sink or bath out to the patio? My feed pipe is getting on for 20M long with no problems.
  5. sewer rat

    sewer rat Gardener

    Aug 19, 2005
    Was forgetting about limescale problem that plagues the southern end of the UK. Only left London 5 years ago - funny how quickly you forget these things - or is that age creeping up on me? :confused:

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