Could be. Could also be aramanth. Either would be edible, in salads when young or cooked as if spinach
Looks like Chenopodium giganteum. Chenopodium giganteum &s;Magentaspreen&s; | tree spinach &s;Magentaspreen&s; Annual Biennial/RHS Gardening
Great Scott! A quick look at "magicgardenseeds" tells me: (Tree Spinach, Chenopodium giganteum, purple goosefoot) "Stalks can be Used as Great Hiking Poles" and "Plant height approx.: 300 cm" I'll leave it alone for a while to see what happens, but it will shade my onions. Edit: I will have to look up what to do with it. If it's fat hen, I can eat it (I quite like this, but it's very susceptible to blackfly, which I don't like. This plant does not seem to have blackfly). If it's Chenopodium giganteum I can eat it. If it's amaranth, I think I can eat it.
I nearly pulled it up when I first saw it. A neighbouring allotment lady wondered if it were Good King Henry so it seems she was not far off. I nearly pulled it up today 'cos it's on the sunny side of my onions. If I leave it, it seems I will struggle to pull it up! Still, I've got a chainsaw...