And where can I get one? Saw this shrub on a recent visit to a nearby restaurant, It was growing in the herb garden. The flowers are like miniature magnolias ( my first thought) and have an unusual woody texture.
Agree Calycanthus sp. We had both...never did work out how to tell one from other! wiki states..."The strongly scented flowers are produced from late spring through early autumn for Calycanthus occidentalis, and April to July for Calycanthus floridus"
It deffo is a Calycanthus, mine is lovely and absolutely full of buds ready to sprout out soon. Not sure where you will get one though try the internet thingy
Thanks for the quick response people! That is the one. I was convinced it was going to be a magnolia of some kind! And I've purchased one thanks to the magic of the eBay!
The only advice I would give.... which was given to me.... is to prune it back well in Spring and it will present beautiful flowers in August and mine is just proving that right now. When the buds are open I will take a photo and post it for you to see
A local nursery near me had plants of Calycanthus I noticed the other day. It appeared to be a hybrid, but cant remember the name, it looked a nice plant though. I just cut mine, in the garden, back quite hard in winter, the ones on the allotment are allowed to do as they like, within reason, these are the ones that flower first every year. This, I'm pretty sure is C. occidentalis, reason being the seed came from Yosemite National Park many years ago.
Anyone noticed any scent from the flowers? All the articles state it is supposed to be highly fragrant.