What plant are you into at the moment? What plans do you have? and what inspired you to take an interest in the plant that took your interest? 02
Herbaceous perennials at the moment. I got into them after visiting a friend in Eastbourne with a beautiful herbaceous border and wanted one similar! And there are so many different ones to go for...my garden is too small :(
:thumb: Hibiscus after going to Jamaica & seeing every colour, colour combinations & size under the sun... They are so beautifully colourful but so delicate.... In the Jamaican sunshine...!
I have a thing for sweetpeas as there so easy to grow and so rewarding with colour and scent, I also have a thing for my first dahlia(arabian knight) which is beautiful, I'm over the moon with my peppers this year and am about to get ready for putting in my over wintering onions
Fuchsia and Dahlia are my favourites. At the moment i am slowly bringing on 8/9 cuttings of all different bush types for planting out next spring ,i have 2 i will make into standards, and i am planning to have 2 hanging baskets with just Fuchsia and ivy in so they will go out as the ,lobelia violet and begonia ones finish ,i have 6 different trailing types. The dahlias i have 4 at the moment and will be looking out for 1or 2 nice cactus (my preference) to go in again in spring. I must admit i was truly impressed with a packet of Godetia (azalea type) seeds this summer they have given a very brave display in all the wet weather :thmb:
That's a beaut Marley don't forget some seeds next time you go,here is a website you will probably like, look at the choices on here http://www.kwekerijgommer.com/index_english.html