Hi, Anyone have any suggestions as to what I can do with this little patch of garden?? It gets very little direct sunlight (despite being west facing) but my dining room window looks out onto it and it's not very pretty at the moment but not sure what to do with it?! Any ideas??
I would paint the wall a nice cheery colour rather than white to inject some Immediate interest. And then maybe have some different height pots with ferns in or other plants that love shade so you could have a tall pot with a fern in that would look fairly tree like and then other pots with maybe lime marmalade heurcheras or something Or paint the wall and attach a trellis and have a climber that likes being in shade climbing over it :-)
Good morning @Cluelessjess could I respectfully suggest painting the wall as our good friend @Dips kindly suggested,then either,on the base cover with a black membrane then cover with shingle or coloured stones plus you could always put a window box just under the window, hope this helps in some small way
It's quite dark and shady. I would give the wall a bright white coat of paint. This will reflect light and help any plants you may want to grow. Choose shade loving plants in some containers. My garden is quite shady and Dicentra, Astilbe and Skimmia japonica have done well in nice pots.
I also think the opposite wall to your window would be best painted, either white or cream. I'd also lay a membrane and cover the ground with white pebbles to reflect light. Window boxes could be attached close to the top of the wall where plants would catch enough light to survive. I would have large pots at the base of the wall too so you can see them from your window. They could be planted with spring bulbs and perhaps something like a red Cordyline.