What did you do today ?

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by spudbristol, May 29, 2008.

  1. spudbristol

    spudbristol Gardener

    May 27, 2008
    I saw a topic similar on another forum and thought id try it here if you dont mind ive also had a bad day and want to winge to someone :rolleyes:
    I have has the worst day so far in 4 years of business for a start it was to wet to mow so i rearanged those customers then i went to cut a hedge slipped backwards and smashed a concrete cold frame to bits with my back! [​IMG] luckly it no longer has any glass

    Then it had dried up a bit so off i went to mow a lawn usually a quick in and out in half a hour not even got to remove the grass so off i go strimm the edge start the mower go along a bit then PING SMASSSHHHHHH :o smashed a dam window :-[ [​IMG] not even a propper window the glass is 100 by 800 mm £75 ! and im insured but the excess is 100 so its come out of my own pocket
  2. spudbristol

    spudbristol Gardener

    May 27, 2008
    ohh an my back hurts like hell now
  3. mztrouble

    mztrouble Gardener

    Oct 12, 2007
    oh no, sounds like you had a nightmare day! I did some weeding, and turned the soil in the front again. Dropped a blueberry baby off with my bro, had dinner and came back to more rain. Grr. Am supposed to be having a bbq tomorrow with other teacher friends and its due to rain again - grrrr
  4. accidentalgardener

    accidentalgardener Gardener

    Jul 13, 2007
    What an aweful day you had! I don't think i will mention mine as it seems unimportant after reading of your misfortune :eek: hope the back gets better soon :)
  5. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    Thats a seriusly shi* day!

    Consider investing in an etesia mower, Nothing you cant cut then! I work regardless of weather i operate fully booked and simply cant and wont rearnge work.

    My etesia mower simply never blocks and always fills a proper full grass box regardless of the state of grass being cut 6" long lush wet grass is no problem and can be cut low in one pass. I use a pro 51k, a very expensive machine but will pay for itself in time saveing:


    One other tip, dont take rubbish away, most councils certainly my way supply wheelie bins or bags for domestic greenwaste. With landfill prices ie £50 a ton and fuel prices its not worth taking waste away also waste cariers ticket at £300 for 3 years. For large stuff i get the customer to get a small skip.

    As your local ish,if you ever do think about an etesia mower then your welcome to pop over the water and try mine.
  6. spudbristol

    spudbristol Gardener

    May 27, 2008
    Dose it really cut well in the wet ? i mean dose it leave a good finish ? im booked up solid to but its more they dont want it cut cos its wet even though i cant go for another 2 weeks do the customers mind you cutting in the wet? I dont get rid of much rubbish now but the bags here in bristol are a quid a go and the bins are sold to you then youve charged to have them emptyed i only really get rid of rubbish when theres no other option
  7. takemore02withit

    takemore02withit Gardener

    Apr 8, 2008
    Poor Spud, we all have days like that at some time, when things just seem to go from bad to worse. Chin up tomorrows another day, and hope your back feels alot better soon.:thumb: 02
  8. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    Yes, cuts very nicely, no problems, only thing to watch is that you turn carefully so as not to scuff.

    I did used to get the odd comment like didnt think we would see you today Paul or is it not too wet to cut, i always used to quip, if its left any longer it will be like a hay field or doesnt make any odds to the mower, its only me that doesnt like getting wet!

    These days everyone acepts it. What I uesd to do that helped was tell new customers that I work regardless of weather conditions to a tight schedule regardless of weather.

    THE MASTER Gardener

    Mar 20, 2008
    spot on paul
    if ya mower is sorted then it will cut no mater wot

    a blunt mower will just mush and batter (both rotory and cyl)
  10. BekiMac

    BekiMac Gardener

    Apr 3, 2007
    Only just caught up on this thread...I missed it yesterday. Sounds like you had a really pants day!
    Just wanted to pass on my regards, and hopfully you'll have a better day today.:)

    Regards, Beki x
  11. Man Of Leisure MOL

    Man Of Leisure MOL Gardener

    Jan 4, 2008
    Reading your note interestingly, then suddenly my farm cat launches herself out of the meadow onto a gorgeous Yellow hammer. I got outside as quick as possible and failed to protect this bird from said cat and the rest of my zoo ie another cat and my dog. Blast. Stroll on the rain, when the cats will come in voluntarily.
  12. spudbristol

    spudbristol Gardener

    May 27, 2008
    Well ive had a back and neck ache all day but apart from that its been ok :thumb:
  13. Bashy

    Bashy Gardener

    Mar 4, 2008
    That was a bad day spudbristol, glad to hear your day today was better.
    Tomorrow is my 5 month old son's Chritening, so today I was up at 6am and out in the garden.
    Painted the decking area's, put up the hanging baskets, plated a new flower bed, put a new door on the shed and mowed, strimmed and edged the front and back lawns. I came in at 6.30 pm, I was knackered.
    Will be posting some pics of mt Garden tomorrow.
  14. spudbristol

    spudbristol Gardener

    May 27, 2008
    Well had a good day here today nice and dry and all the work went ok got a few quid in tips to:D then after the paid work was done i went to do a bit of work for my neighbour poor old dear is moveing and wanted the garden looking spot on so she can sell the house quicker hopefully :thumb:

    Just been looking at your mower again paul whats it like for getting upstairs ? reason i ask is cos i live in quite a hilly area and some lawns are up and down stairs :rolleyes:
  15. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    Depends on how many steps your talking, I have a couple of short scafold boards that i use to run it up into the van and use these for one job were it goes up 3 steps (total height drop around 3')

    Single steps and at a push double it will manadge no problem by simply pioting the front end up or down.

    The machine weighs 70 kg and on ocasion I have lifted it however i wouldnt do it on a routine basis.

    To be honest, If you can get the ranger up the or down then the etesia will be ok, The etesia etesia has a blade break clutch so unlike the hayter you can use the machine's drive to propel it up ramps etc without the blades rotating.

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