Ooo loads of silly stuff, that keeps me awake even, garden,and ive spent millions of my lottery winnings!!!
I have a favourite way of bringing a sleepless spell to an end. I imagine I have won some unbelievable sum on the lottery and then start sharing it out amongst family, friends and favourite charities. Believe me, I rarely get past the immediate family! Trying to remember all those sums of money, especially when you've changed them a dozen times, is better than an anaesthetic!
oommm... sleeepppyyyy. i just love that feeling. have to disagree though. if i won the lottery i'd be worring. i'd like to dream it though. i would give it to whoemever i thought needed it. i would love not to be worried though, that would be the thing. i wish you a happy new year. cheers
I fall asleep all too easily, so it don't really apply to me ...... Unless I have drunk quite a bit of Red Bull :D . Then I usually flick through for something boring on tv, a rerun of Eastenders or Corrie on UKTV Gold ...... That soon makes me tired :D
Try not to worry about the fact that you can't sleep, easier said than done when everyone else is snoring away! I find it's best to actually get up if you can't fall sleep after 20 minutes, read a book or watch telly but don't just lie there "trying to get to sleep" it doesn't work. Been there done that and it's horrible.
Well unless you can dump the body without being seen I figured the best way is to 'chop and drop'. Into as many pieces as is practical and then disposed of discreetly. I think the hardest part is covering your tracks between killing your intended and disposal. They are likely to be missed and probably can be traced to your locality, so time is critical. I usually fall asleep at this point which is probably a good thing. :eek: I invented a sandwich once trying to get to sleep. I was so pleased with it I rang my nan that morning and made her come round for lunch and try it!
murderers and cannibals usually which is sort of on the same track ! but i do read about murderers and cannibals in bed so thats probably why....