ive had a little plant flowering outside now for two months, the leaves are silvery, about 1 long, but thin, the flowers are simple almost cup shaped,white/slightly coloured, the whole plant is about 15" by 15"
Hi, Like lisa I think we need a bit more info. Is a little shrub, or a trailer? Are the leaves alternate, and how many petals do the flowers have? Happy Christmas!
there are 5 fused petals the flowers are in clusters, opening in succession i suppose it could be a shrub,it has a bushy shape rather than upright, it is growing in a walled bed in acid soil not a trailer leaves are not alternate but are frequent tho small silvery, possible downy [too small to see with naked eye] the petals are fused, trumpet/fan shaped, white, with five pink stripes, the anthers are white and the centre of the flower is yellow i wonder if it could be a variety of rock rose, helianthemum? H rhodanthe carneum for example?
http://www.malvaceae.info/Cistaceae/Genera/Helianthemum/gallery.html This gallery has a picture of rhodanthe carneum which looks very much as you describe, ecxept more pink. If it is this, cuttings in August should work.