What is this worth

Discussion in 'Tools And Equipment' started by steve75, Jun 25, 2009.

  1. steve75

    steve75 Gardener

    Jul 15, 2008
    I have an old ceased up qualcast mower in the shed. It is a 35s petrol the mower itself is totally had it ,but the scarifier cartridge is OK paint flaking off but otherwise good condition. A colleague at work has the same mower and has asked about the scarifier. What is it worth. i know new they go for around £80 or more.
  2. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    At a guess around £40 ish
  3. water-garden

    water-garden Guest

    What is it worth?

    Something is only worth what some one else is willing to pay for it.

    You say new £80, what about if it was shopped around for? £70? maybe ( I don't know)

    So if you can get one for £70 1/2 price is now only £35, not £40, but wait, its not new and its old and has flaking paint, so it will need a good clean and re paint to make it last, thats going to take some time and money, call it £20 and its sold.

    Or put yourself in the other persons shoes.

    You are being offered a 2nd hand bit of kit, that needs cleaning and painting and should work, you have to pay to get stuff to clean it properly, then buy some paint for it, how much do you want to pay?

    Ask the bloke what he will offer you, you have nothing to lose. you can only say no, and keep the now piece of junk (it does not work)
  4. Kristen

    Kristen Under gardener

    Jul 22, 2006
    Suffolk, UK
    I would look for a Completed Auction on eBay for something similar. That would give a good indication of the "market price"
  5. steve75

    steve75 Gardener

    Jul 15, 2008
    water-garden its the mower that does not work the scarifier cartridge is fine and has no mechanical faults at all. Fitted into a working mower it will run as well as a new one. In fact it is probably of more value then the mower.

    It has been cleaned up. Am going to give the metalwork a coat of paint over the weekend just to make it look a bit nicer, not that this will make it work or last any longer most of the body is cast aluminium. The guy who is interested is one of the directors/estimators of the blind company I work for. I know he will try to get the price down so i think i will ask for at least £40 to start but will be happy with £20-25.
  6. water-garden

    water-garden Guest

    I know the mower does not work (you said) but if you don't sell the bit that does you will still be left with a pile of junk.
    You only now choose to mention the body is aluminium, still, since you are going to paint it, must mean you are painting it for a reason, i.e. to make it look better?
  7. steve75

    steve75 Gardener

    Jul 15, 2008
    As you say in your earlier post if the buyer needs to clean and touch up paintwork it will detract from price. Even though this will not improve the performance I have decided to give it a spruce up, i have the paint anyway so its not costing me anything other than time. You would not sell a car without tidying up the paintwork and giving it a good clean would you.

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