can anyone tell me what this is and whats the best way to trim it back a bit? Cheers, Numb PS First post so hi!
Hi Comfortably Numb,* Welcome Its a fatsia japonica. *Is it sacrilege to say I love the Scissor Sisters version?
Hi C/Numb I usually cut mine back in April,and just pull the weakened yellow Leaves off,when they appear,they can take a harsh pruning. Her,s Mine
Thank you all. Its a pretty cool plant/bush (whatever!!) but its taking over a bit so will give it a cut down in April as suggested... :thumb:
Very useful plant due to it being evergreen and flowering in winter. Exotic looking but tough as old boots
Not so tough when you've got deer around! There's a big one - maybe ten feet tall - in a garden I look after. The plant is in a walled garden, next to the house, with a narrow entrance at one end. However, the dears(!) have got in and stripped the bark from the stems and now it's gradually dying. Maybe I should take Dai's advice and cut it to the ground. Anyone any experience of the results? Chris
My neighbour has been systematically trying to kill a fatsia in his garden for the last ten years, by cutting down. He runs a strimmer over it at least once a year. Its small but it still keeps coming back.
See, Im now obliged to go straight to youtube to listen to [nomedia=""]YouTube- scissors sisters - comfortably numb[/nomedia].