Evening all, My next door neighbour (also my cousin) asked me if i knew what this was. I haven't the foggiest and wondered if someone could enlighten us... Any help would be greatly appreciated....cheers..
Its an Impatiens I think, looks a bit like the one that grows along rivers and streams. Not sure of the proper name, but someone will know.
Cheers matey. My cous thought it was some kind of a weed? and then my boyfriend thought it was bamboo (like Bamboo has pink buds...bless)
I would love to help, but the pics are so big I could not wait long enough for them to appear on screen, sorry.
I think it is Impatiens as well, but cannot remember the Latin name.We know it as Indian Bulsam,? which likes to live by the side of damp streams. The seed capsules explode when touched, and this is how it spreads itself. The one we had had yellow flowers, found along the shore of Lake Coniston. I think some of them have pink flowers. We had to get rid of ours as it was taking over the garden Kandy