What is this please? It is about 2 metres high and wide. I think the flowers were white/ pink when it flowered.
Thanks everyone. I have looked at each one and I am pretty sure now that it is the leather leafed viburnum. Though I wouldn't have guessed from the picture in my Tree and Shrub Expert book.
I agree with davygfuchsia. It is Viburnum rhytidophyllum. Be very careful. The leaves are covered in small hairs. Some people have an allergic reaction to these, without even knowing what has been the cause of the problem. http://www.ubcbotanicalgarden.org/potd/2006/03/viburnum_rhytidophyllum.php
It was the mention of pink flowers which put me off. V rhytidetc. has white flowers, and sort of pale tan buds rather than the pink ones shown here.
What other Viburnums have we with such large distinctive leaves ? I cannot see the photo anymore .. Dave
Got the photos again ?? Most certain it is Viburnum rhytidophyllum now ..It was one of the first plants I learnt the name of at Horticultural College It's such an outstanding shrub and we had some hugh ones in our Parks gardens back in the 60's. Dave
Yes Louise , Its lovely shrub but can become large unfortunatly possibily why you don't see so many around .. Dave