after just having had my new bike stolen that was 5 weeks old and took me 12 months to save up for i was over the moon to wake up to find that some dirty s..t head deciced to come in my garden chop all the chains and nick now i will be walking to work at 5 am as i leave the car for lady imp ..but now every time i see some junkie drug user on the way to work doing what they do and i see a lof of the plonkers at that time he will be getting a smack on the nose..i know most of you have either had a car, house bike or shed stolen or breaking into and i know its never going to stop and there are worse thing that happen in life but im really getting tissed of with people who think they can just take we have no punishment in this country what would you like to see happen to these dirty i would either chop off some fingers or let some of the victims family members have a few minutes in a room with them..rant over but im livid and sick of it...and im going to clobber somebody..if the dna on the cig butt ends leads me to them they will be sorry it took them that long to cut the chains they even stopped for a cigarette then left the butt ends in the garden and they wasnt a common make either so i stand a good chance of finding out who did it,, i dont even want the bike back now as they will have wrecked it..look after all your presents over the festive period leave nothing on show and take care as these dirty bas,,,,, will be out in force just taking what isnt theirs..take care but if you see a smack head or junki with a black eye or a big nose ive probably clocked him on the way to work
Blinkin heck Inter...sorry to hear that mate! Please be careful what you do..or rather get caught doing:wink:.... Trouble with revenge,it has a tendency to backfire on you as far as the law is concerned:dh: I have a junkie living over the road and installed a lockable gate just incase. :el-f: Insurance company ok with your claim?
i know pal it just gets you that way sometimes ive calmed down a bit :lollol::lollol:blimey i let some steam off in my erlier post ...what would you like to see happen as they get away with it to easy...a likkle fine or slapped wrist isnt any good:thmb:
Sorry to hear that Inter, I know what I'd like to do to them .... but can't say on here. There is no deterant for crime anymore and there seems to be a fear of punnishment now, criminals get treated better than victims.
Sickening, Hope you can get something sorted quickly on the insurance. Even if they do get caught they'd probably only get 18 months and be out after 12 and for the 12 months they'd get free heating, gym, food and TV and internet. The current prison system is a real soft option and no deterrent. What is needed is labor camps so as to force them to do a hard days work for little reward like the majority of folk they steal from. If you do do anything, just be careful you don't get caught. my oppinion stealing someones bike should be a hanging offence,Paul they let people off up here with warnings for"minor" offences,last week locally a woman remonstrated with a young fellow for urinating against here car he turned on her beat her up and he didn't get jail all he got was a community order,cann't believe what people get away with.
There is indeed a woeful lack of punishment in the country, but hanging is no deterrent-look how many people got hanged! There were still murders and rapes, deportation didn`t stop petty theiving. Chopping off people hands doesn`t stop crime in the country`s that use that particular punishment. Some people are just criminals nothing you can do about it except build more prisons. Just keep them away from the rest of us.
Sorry to hear about your bike getting stolen. Having had this several times to me when I was a student (once returning to find nothing but a wheel left), I can sympathise wholeheartedly with you wanting to inflict punishment (or worse) on the culprits. Unfortunately, bikes are easy targets for thieves no matter how many locks you have on them, as they are easy to resell with virtually no hassle (no licensing, tax, insurance worries). I'm not going to get into the rights or wrongs of corporal, capital of custodial punishment-we all have views on it and who is to say which are correct.
Oh Imp that is terrible...!! :( Saved all that time, just for them to do that...!!! Little Sh0ts...!!!! :( My friend lived in Bath.. He had a Harley Davidson... One of several as he had had a few bikes stolen... So he thought he had the answer.! He built a brick shed for it... Cast anchors into the concrete floor as it was done..... He then chained it at night with hardened, welded link chain & padlocked with Chubbs... Steel door bolted & padlocked on shed, no windows...... They cut the door off with a welder.... Cut the chains with the welder....!!!!! Rode bike up to the house... Revved it till it woke everyone then disappeared down the drive into the ether.......... Bike never seen or heard of again & thieves not caught....!!!! That was 3yrs ago now....... Seems to me that if they want it these days they will take it, no matter what you do.....!!! Seems todays society WANTS & TAKES what it wants as they think we all owe them somehow..!!! And to be honest IMP I couldn't write here what I would like to do to them.......:wink:
Intermilants. so sorry to read that you have had your bike stolen. like most, my views of what should be done to offenders cannot be printed here. I sincerely hope that they find whoever took it.
Yes, I agree but if caught, like others have said, it will only be a slap on the wrist, for him, or her or them I expect the bike was stolen to order, like so many other things that are pinched at this time of year,to pay for there habit probably