What's going wrong in my greenhouse ?

Discussion in 'Greenhouse Growing' started by anengineer, Jun 22, 2011.

  1. anengineer

    anengineer Apprentice Gardener

    Jun 22, 2011

    I'm a complete novice gardener and I've got cucumbers, tomatoes and butternut squash growing in my greenhouse but something is happening to the leaves of each and I haven't got any idea what it is or what to do to stop it.

    Here are some pics.... can anyone say what the problem is please ?

    Squash leaves:

    Cucumber leaves:

    Tomato leaves:

    Lastly, I also have chillies & peppers, and the leaves of some of them are growing all curled up and twisted like this:

    I'd be grateful for any advice on how to save my veg, as I think that if I do nothing, they're all going to wither - and I've grown the lot from seed too. :mad:

    Many thanks.
  2. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    Bumping this as the board moderated it and i've only just found it.

    Appologies to Anengineer.
  3. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    Hello and welcome to the forum :)

    Your squash look the worst, I wouldn't worry if it's only the lower leaves, but if it's the whole plant then it may be sun scorch. Have you got any shading on your greenhouse?

    The tomatoes look like they have magnesium deficiency.

    This often happens just when you start feeding tomatoes especially if they are in growbags or containers. It is easily treated by spraying with Epsom Salts (ask for Magnesium Sulphate at the chemists - this is the cheapest way to buy it). Dissolve ½ oz in a pint of water (20g/litre) and apply as a foliar spray each day for a week. They will recover in a few days.

    The chilli/pepper plants have Red Spider mite. It is a real problem, one I have at the moment on my peppers and chillis and very difficult to control. Last year I used a spray but I'm not keen on this on edible plants so I'm trying to keep them humid by spraying with water - it's not working very well up till now. There are some organic controls (predators) but thats expensive.
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