When to buy strawberry plants

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by ComfortablyNumb, Jul 20, 2010.

  1. ComfortablyNumb

    ComfortablyNumb Apprentice Gardener

    Jun 13, 2010
    Hi All,

    I've got a few strawberry plants which did really badly this year (I don't think they've ever done that well). Really small berries etc. I suspect they have had their day.

    So I'm currently potting the trailers for next year.

    However, we love our strawberries here (who doesn't I hear you say). So I'm gonna get one of those strawberry barrels and plant it up with some early, mid and late season plants to stretch out the supply.

    The question is when's the best time to do this? Should I get them next spring or is that too late?

    Also, if anyone has got any suggestions on a good supplier. I've found one called superb strawberry plants but have no idea if the company is any good. I would prefer to get heirloom/heritage plants if poss.

  2. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    I'd plant em now so they can get their roots established ready for next season.
  3. Phil A

    Phil A Guest


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