Where do i start?

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by accidentalgardener, Aug 5, 2007.

  1. accidentalgardener

    accidentalgardener Gardener

    Jul 13, 2007
    Hi people,

    Hubby has decided he wants vedge in shady part of garden! Never done it before so am desperate for some "insider knowledge" [​IMG]

    He wants lambs lettuce
    Winter hardy lettuce
    Spring onions
    Red spring onions
    Land cress

    He likes a salad :D

    Any idea's on when/where to start? :confused: :confused:
  2. Claire75

    Claire75 Gardener

    Mar 8, 2007
    hi accidental gardener,
    I'm not an expert, but since you've had no other replies, here's my thoughts for what they're worth... part of my veg patch is semi-shaded and has "all the year round" lettuce growing in it, they seem reasonably happy. I think you can keep these going through the winter (as the name suggests!) under cloches.
    My lamb's lettuce seems to have disappeared, although I'm not too sure where i planted it now. Could've been slugs or duff seed... isn't it the same as field salad though?
    My spring onions are growing under fleece, with the carrots (to stop the carrot fly and cos that's the only space i had when i sowed them!) so they're a bit shady, but warm as they're on the sunnier side - they also seem quite happy.
    I think in general most veg will crop better if they get a bit of sun, but I suspect lettuces will be less bothered in the shade than if, say, hubby had demanded tomatoes with his salad - then you'd really be challenged on that site!
    Regarding timing, the best thing to do is to check the seed packets. I was checking up on more things to sow and I think many veg/salad things wanted sowing by the end of last month or the end of this, so it's just a case of checking really...
    Good luck, and hope that random rambling is some help!
  3. Fran

    Fran Gardener

    Mar 23, 2005
    Naive question - accidental garden, why does your husband want a veggie patch in the shady part of the garden, and expect you to deliver it?

    Have you got a sunnier area which you can turn to veggies - or is this the only area he will permit for veggies?

    Well done Claire75

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