Sorry @Victoria, but I'm not sure I understand what you're asking. I have two Indigofera tinctoria shrubs in big tubs, they are quite hardy and easy to take from cuttings. They crinkle up easily in dry weather in the tubs. I've never grown them from seeds.
I didn't think they were tropical so wasn't sure what category they fall into. Sorry about all the spaces. Thanks about the tip on the Indogofera.
It's 4.30 A.M. and I'm waiting for Bella to come in, and I looked up Indigofera tinctoria to pass the time. It is apparently native to west Africa and south east Asia, therefore is classed as a tropical plant. However, although our winters are mostly above freezing here, sometimes in a cold spell it can go to about -5, and I find the Indigoferas are quite hardy, but are deciduous. I've got them in tubs - one on the patio by a trellis and the other at the bottom of the garden near the road. I think you'll enjoy them @Victoria Good luck with the seeds !
The Lemon Myrtle is also a tropical but can be grown with care in the UK and tends to be OK with only minor minus centigrade. We keep ours in a large pot on the patio and move it into the cold greenhouse for the winter. It is now about 65 years old. Mrs Shiney's aunt grew it and we have had it 60 years this year. The flowers are small, pretty and delicate looking. An essential oil can be made from it and a hot drink made from it is supposed to help sore throats. In Greece a small sprig of it is quite often worn in country regions for good luck.
Morning. Bom Dia and thank you @Michael Hewett and @shiney. Michael I do hope Bella returned home safely. It is so worrying I know especially since she is not well. We don't let Munchkin or Van out after 8pm to avoid such issues. shiney Michael. I am impressed! I had a Aloysia citrodora (Bela Luisa) many years ago but the are straggly and I like the idea of this more evergreen one. Have a good day both. Vxx
Thank you @Victoria, and Bore Da to you , I'm going to my art group this afternoon so I hope to have an enjoyable day, you have a good one too ... Bella did come back in, she was only out for about 15 minutes, I think she wanted to go to the toilet. She's been using a litter tray in the bathroom for a long time now, so it was strange to let her out in the middle of the night, but the incessant meows were keeping me awake ! ... and after coming back in she 'did her business' in the litter tray after all
Both Munchkin and Van run in during the day to use the litter box. We actually created the Sand Garden when we moved here with the three so they had a place to go outdoors, but it is not often used for the purpose it was created. Enjoy the Art Group. The sun is out now and it is almost 14c so I will go out shortly to look and examine.