Which Melon Variety do you like?

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by Kristen, Sep 7, 2009.

  1. Kristen

    Kristen Under gardener

    Jul 22, 2006
    Suffolk, UK
    I've grown four varieties of Melon this year:

    Edonis F1
    Hearts of Gold

    Unwins says of Bastion "The tastiest melon we know - but try it for yourself to see if you agree!"

    Well, it is a nice Charentais type. Small fruits, yummie. However, nothing like as fragrant (if you like that sort of Melon) as Edonis. Bastion costs £3.49 for 6 seeds :(

    I grew T&Ms Edonis last year too, and they'll be my first choice for the "small fragrant breakfast" melons for next year.

    Edonis were earlier too - started around the middle of August, whereas I only picked my first Bastion at the very end of August. T&M say they should be 1½lb each - I don't think mine got that big. 4 seeds for £2.89 :(

    The Unwins Sweetheart have a much larger fruit. Less aromatic (although maybe much of a muchness with the Bastion perhaps?) Easier to grow - they sprawled everywhere, whereas the others just went up their cane a bit and didn't do a lot! Had lots fo fruit off them from mid August. 15 seeds for £1.99 from Unwins - bargain! (Suttons are £2.45 for 15 Seeds s00kbut I got a packet for 50p for next year, hopefully the same variety?)

    Can't tell you about T&Ms Hearts of Gold - they aren't ripe yet. T&M site says "Almost round, netted skin 1.3-1.8kg (3 to 4lb)" but mine are small.

    I probably didn't look after them very well - I didn't pollinate any of them in the greenhouse, no time, so I've only got what the Bees did for me :thumb:

    They've been fed and watered - almost certainly could have had more water.

    Did yours mature earlier than mine?

    Any other varieties you liked?
  2. Dave W

    Dave W Total Gardener

    Feb 6, 2006
    Anything I fancy and can afford!
    Tay Valley
    Didn't grow any this year Kristen, but previously have grown Ogen which were small but very,very tasty.

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